New Labour is so terrified of debate that they did not allow discussion on Iraq at their party conference. Eighty-two year old delegate Walter Wolfgang’s one word of criticism ‘nonsense’ was enough to have him physically thrown out the conference and detained under the terrorism act.
Hannah Sell
Socialism 2005 is an annual weekend of discussion and debate, taking place on 12-13 November, hosted by the Socialist Party. If you are involved in campaigning against New Labour’s policies – be it in the anti-war movement, anti-privatisation campaigns, defending workers’ wages and pension rights, or fighting New Labour’s nuclear plans – Socialism 2005 will be an opportunity to discuss ideas that can take the struggle forward.
And at Socialism 2005 we welcome debate. Of course Socialist Party members at the event will hope to convince you of our ideas, but there will be plenty of opportunity for those who have questions or disagreements to put their point of view. In fact we are organising a whole series of debates and forums where speakers with a different point of view to ours, socialist and non-socialist, are invited to argue their case.
Organisations and individuals range from the Green Party, Respect, the Muslim Association of Britain and the Scottish Socialist Party to pro-war commentators like David Aaronovitch. For regular updates on who will be attending go to www.socialism2005.net.
If you want to hear a different side to the story – book your place for Socialism 2005 today.
Rally for socialism
6-9 pm Saturday 12 November
Friends Meeting House – 173 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BJ (nearest tube and mainline station Euston)
Peter Taaffe Socialist Party general secretary
- Mark Serwotka general secretary of the PCS (civil servants union)
- Joe Higgins, Socialist Party MP in Ireland, recently in prison for defying an unjust law
- International anti-war and anti-capitalist activists
- Gate Gourmet strikers
- Jean Charles de Menezes campaign
Socialism 2005 >
12-13 November 2005
Venue for all other sessions and workshops University of London Union (ULU), Malet St, London WC1. Sessions will be between 2 – 5 pm on Saturday and between 10 am and 4.30 pm on Sunday.
Ticket costs: For waged: £10 for rally and £20 for weekend. For unwaged and minimum wage: £5 for rally and £10 for weekend. Make cheques payable to ‘Socialism’ and send to PO Box 24697, London, E11 1YD.