Huge protest against the invasion of Lebanon


Huge protest against the invasion of Lebanon

Socialist Party banner on the anti-war demo

Socialist Party banner on the

UP TO 100,000 lively, angry protesters marched through central London
on 5 August to demand an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon and to show
their disgust at the Blair government’s continuing support for US and
Israeli policies in the Middle East.

Ken Smith

The previous week’s massacre of Lebanese civilians at Qana by Israeli
attacks and the continuing refusal of the Bush and Blair governments to
back resolutions at the UN calling for a ceasefire had intensified the
angry mood of the demo.

Protesters from Middle Eastern, Asian and European backgrounds laid
four coffins and children’s shoes at the Cenotaph, outside Downing
Street, to bring home the fact that many children had been killed in the
conflicts in Lebanon and Iraq. The march also went past the US Embassy
in Grosvenor Square.

Speakers at the rally after the demonstration included John McDonnell
MP, who has said he intends to stand against Gordon Brown for Labour’s
leadership when Blair resigns and Walter Wolfgang – the Labour Party
member who was forcibly ejected from last year’s Labour Party conference
and who has recently been elected to Labour’s national executive in

Human rights lawyer Louise Christian and Craig Murray, former British
ambassador to Uzbekistan, said Tony Blair was complicit in war crimes
and should be called to account.

Mark Serwotka, general secretary of the PCS said: “Bush and Blair say
they are against terror and yet when Israel engages in terror they
remain silent.” He also called for the biggest possible mobilisation for
the Stop the War demo outside the Labour Party conference in Manchester
on 23 September – a demonstration that looks increasingly likely to be
very big.

Respect MP George Galloway claimed that Hezbollah leader Nasrallah is
the real leader of the Arab peoples – a reflection of the increasing
support for Hezbollah at present. However, George did not question
Hezbollah targeting Israeli civilians and their political stance of
creating an Islamic state in the Middle East.

Socialist Party members on the demonstration sold over 600
papers and raised nearly £500 for party funds. Over 20 people expressed
an interest in joining the Socialist Party.

OVER 500 people marched behind the International Socialist
Resistance banner on anti-war demo called at short notice in Cardiff on
29 July. Socialist Party member and University College Union executive
member Andrew Price addressed a rally afterwards where he denounced the
hypocrisy of imperialism, which attacked the terrorism of Hezbollah
while ignoring the devastating state terrorism of their ally and client
state, Israel.

Socialist Party member and TGWU convenor at Visteon, Rob Williams,
emphasises the importance of international workers’ solidarity.

Yahya Hassan brough greetings from the General Federation of Free
Workers Trade Union in Saudi Arabia.