Huge meeting greets socialist movement
TOMMY SHERIDAN’S whirlwind tour of Dundee on 3 October was a good day
for ‘Solidarity – Scotland’s Socialist Movement’. He spoke to 50
students at Dundee University, where 13 showed interest in joining
Solidarity. Then Jim Malone, Fire Brigade Union Secretary took Tommy to
see workers in a closure-threatened fire control centre.
Harvey Duke, International Socialists (CWI Scotland)
This important issue of closure was then highlighted in the local
press. It wasn’t just local reporters who turned up at the Queens Hotel
however – BBC, STV, Channel 4 news, the Herald, Scotsman, and tabloid
reporters were out in force – including a few "freelancers" sounding
suspiciously like they were from Rupert Murdoch’s News International
Tommy launched into a no-holds barred attack on the latest News of
the World (NoW) smear campaign – an alleged video-confession about
visits to a sex club, filmed secretly by George McNeilage, an SSP
member. If these people are attacking you as a socialist, Tommy said,
then you know you’re doing something right.
He pointed out that it was the Sun that called the miners "scum" in
the 1984-85 strike; that called striking fire-fighters "Saddam’s
stooges"; and that claimed that Liverpool fans had robbed the dead at
the Hillsborough tragedy, under the heading ‘The Truth’. As Tommy
explained, "It was all lies."
Tommy’s message was that he and Solidarity are being attacked because
they are seen as a threat to big business and are clearly opposed to
Bush and Blair’s wars, and because they are fighting for socialism. The
message to Rupert Murdoch was: "If you want a fight, come ahead! We’ll
take you on."
Another highlight was Tommy Sheridan’s demolition of NoW Scottish
editor Bob Bird on Channel Four news. Bird feebly claimed the attacks
had "nothing to do with politics" and Tommy taunting him with "When will
you pay up, you owe me two hundred thousand?"
The best part of the day was that evening’s rally in the Marryat Hall
where people of all ages streamed into the hall. Around 250 attended – a
real working-class audience giving a standing ovation for Tommy after he
spoke about the need for public ownership and building the socialist
International Socialists member Sinead Daly chaired the rally. There
were speakers from the anti-war movement, a local Muslim youth worker,
speakers from PCS and Dundee Solidarity.
Jim Malone from the FBU spoke and agreed to join. £300 was raised and
dozens expressed an interest in joining Solidarity.
Big Brother Murdoch
RUPERT MURDOCH’S Sky News evidently applied the maxim used by Big
Brother in George Orwell’s 1984 – "Ignorance is Strength" when reporting
on Tommy Sheridan’s press conference in Dundee.
Roy Johnson, RMT member
While millions watched on TV, many on giant plasma screens
reminiscent of the ‘telescreens’ used by Big Brother, the idea they
should hear the truth of what Murdoch’s press says about the working
class and socialists was too much for his editors in the ‘Ministry of
Truth’ to stomach.
Tommy was reminding those present of the track record of Murdoch’s
Sun/News of the World. So, rather than let the viewers hear the real
history of Murdoch’s press and how it attacked socialists and the
working class the solution was simple. Cut Tommy Sheridan off in
Sky ‘telescreens’ went blank and the test card went up instead.
Murdoch’s democracy in action. However, they won’t prevent the socialist
case being put or the role of Murdoch, Blair’s friend, from being