Protest Against Blair
We’ve Had Enough!
LABOUR’S SPRING conference is in Manchester on 12-14 March.
And Saturday 13 March will see workers from Manchester and beyond marching to
show Labour we’ve had enough!
Hugh Caffrey, Manchester Socialist Party
Seven years of Labour rule and we’ve precious little to
show for it – the Tory anti-union laws remain in place, fees and debt are
obliterating the hopes of many of today’s young people for a university
education and the Iraq war and occupation has revealed the lies, corruption and
spin deployed by Labour in the interests of big business.
When the RMT railworkers’ union resolved to support the
Scottish Socialist Party, the Blairites responded with an avalanche of attacks,
resulting in the RMT’s expulsion from the Labour Party.
Yet within days more track workers were slaughtered by the
corner-cutting of rail maintenance companies, which Labour continue to
subsidise with our taxes.
Enough is enough! Manchester journalists are mobilising for
the demonstration.
They’re sick of the anti-union laws and government attacks
on BBC workers, in preparation for privatisation. Sacked electricians are
joining the protests. They’re campaigning against cowboy construction companies
which are still sending workers to their deaths.
Firefighters and civil servants will demonstrate as part of
their campaigns against the destruction of our public services. Workers and
young people from many other campaigns will bring their own grievances to the
Socialist Party members are building the demonstration in
support of all these battles. We were the first to point to Labour’s
transformation into a party of big business. That transformation is now obvious
to increasing numbers of workers.
It’s time for a new party of the working class, a mass
organisation really representing our interests.
We would campaign for such a
party to adopt socialist policies which could carry through the socialist
transformation of Britain – putting an end to this rotten capitalist system.
Join the protests – Saturday 13 March, 12 noon, All
Saints Park, Oxford Road, Manchester.
Join the socialists – fight for system change!
Socialist Party public meeting:
“The Case for a New Workers’ Party”.
All welcome.