What We Think
Madrid Bombings Unleash Anti-War Anger
"THE REPLY of Iraq and Afghanistan is here" said
one note left at Atocha station in Madrid. This summed up the mood of many
throughout Spain just hours after the bombings which left 200 dead and 1,400
Over 12 million turned out to participate in memorial
marches the day after the bombings. Within a few short hours, tens of thousands
again took to the streets in spontaneous demonstrations in Madrid and other
cities. This time the sombre mood had changed to anger and bitterness directed
at Jose Maria Aznar’s government and his right-wing conservative party,
Partido Popular (PP).
The PP attempted to manipulate the bombings for its own
electoral advantage by putting the blame for this brutal attack on the Basque
nationalist terrorist organisation ETA and withholding information.
Following the bombings people searched in vain for rolling
news programmes only to find Lion King cartoons and alien space invaders.
Information services were blanked out, reawakening memories of the Franco
However, working people and youth in Spain were not
prepared to be duped by the government.
The brutal bombings particularly hit ordinary working class
Spaniards and youth. The largest numbers of dead took place on a double-decker
train in the working class suburb of El Pozo. Large numbers of economic migrant
workers from Latin America and Eastern Europe also live there. Amongst the dead
were many trade union activists, students and workers.
Like millions of others in Spain, many of the victims had
marched against the war with Iraq. 92% had opposed the war which was
enthusiastically backed by Aznar’s government.
The PP’s attempts at a cover-up unleashed all of the
resentment felt towards the government because of the war. This resulted in the
first overthrow of a government which enthusiastically supported the war
against Iraq. The defeat of the PP now haunts Blair and Bush. Both now ponder
if they will face the same fate as Aznar, a personal friend of Blair.
Anger and rage
BEFORE THE Madrid bombings the PP and most commentators had
taken for granted that it would be returned to power, albeit with a reduced
This was despite a massive general strike in June 2002,
mass protests against the ineptitude of the government’s handling of the
‘Prestige’ oil spill, increasing bitterness by the Basque and Catalan people’s
towards the opposition by the government to their demands for greater autonomy
and democratic national rights, and bitter strikes by some workers including
the dock workers from Cadiz.
The PP seemed to be maintaining its support because of the
economic growth which has taken place in Spain. Moreover, the main opposition
party PSOE, which was ‘New Labourised’ before ‘New Labour’ was not seen as an
alternative by the new generation of younger workers. It remained scarred by
the corruption scandals, attacks against workers and the setting up of GAL, a
legal ‘hit squad’ to assassinate known ETA activists. It is seen as a
pro-capitalist party and part of the establishment.
The Communist Party dominated coalition, Izquierda Unida,
also failed to offer an alternative and has sat in coalition with PSOE at a
local level, implementing cuts.
However, all these questions were overidden by the anger
and rage which swelled up amongst the masses against the government following
the bombings. The PP’s share of the vote fell from 44.52% in 2000 to 37.08%,
losing over 690,000 votes.
PSOE increased its share of the vote from 34.16% to 42.64%
winning 10,909,687 votes – the largest number of votes ever.
Most of the increase in PSOE’s vote came from young first
time voters – two million of whom voted for the first time. The vast majority
of these had opposed the war. The much higher turnout of over 77% was largely
because of the anti-war youth turning out to drive the PP from office.
Izquierda Unida saw its vote fall from 5.96% to 4.96% and
its number of MPs reduced from nine to five. It has suffered a decline in each
election since 1996.
Those areas recording the largest swing against the PP were
the Basque country and Catalonia. The government has reacted to the demands of
the Basque and Catalan peoples for greater autonomy and independence by
refusing to even negotiate with the nationalist parties.
The Left Republican Party of Catalunya (ERC) has been the
target of a campaign by the PP because it had been involved in talks with ETA.
It was later revealed that the PP had known in advance about these talks and
only denounced them afterwards. The ERC made important gains in the elections.
Opposing occupation
THE NEW government, led by Zapatero, has been compelled to
reflect the mood which swept Spain, denouncing the war on Iraq and the
occupation as "disastrous".
He has also threatened to withdraw Spanish forces from Iraq
if power is not transferred to the UN and the ‘Iraqi people’ by the end of
June. Spain’s military presence in Iraq is minimal but this will help to
further fuel the opposition to the continued occupation.
These events have already had international repercussions.
The election of Zapatero has complicated the situation facing Bush and Blair
and will help strengthen opposition to them in the USA and Britain.
The defeat of Aznar will also be felt within the
inter-state relations of the European Union with Spain now more likely to ally
itself more with France and Germany.
Within Spain itself it is also possible that Zapatero will
begin negotiations with the nationalist parties in the Basque country and
However, these changes in policies do not represent an
attempt to challenge capitalism by PSOE. Neither are they an attempt to
introduce reforms in favour of the working class and the poor.
Although socialist in name, PSOE and its leaders wholly
embrace capitalism. These changes in policy are put forward to try and manage
the interests of capitalism better than the ultra-conservative policies of
Aznar who, like Blair, adopted a subservient attitude towards US imperialism.
This was reflected the day after the election. Miguel
Sebastian, the new finance Minister, the former head of the research
department at BBVA, Spain’s second largest bank, assured international
investors that the new government would be "rigorous and orthodox" in
its new economic policies. He promised a budget based on "… an orthodox
economic programme based on budgetary stability, further liberalisation and a
big overhaul of the tax system…We will be a market friendly government."
Izquierda Unida has announced that it will be ‘loyal’ to
the new government and has clearly signalled that it will not offer any
alternative to the ‘market friendly government’.
Spanish workers and youth undoubtedly see the defeat of the
PP government as a big victory. It has had significant repercussions
internationally and is a warning to Bush, Blair, Howard and others who backed
the war against Iraq.
However, the statement of the new government on the economy
is a warning to Spanish workers and youth. Zapatero will move to implement
policies defending the interests of capitalism. Further privatisations are
being planned along with other attacks against the working class.
Following the defeat of the PP the task facing workers and
socialists is to build a genuine socialist alternative to the existing
pro-capitalist parties.