THAT’S WHAT the majority of people in Britain are saying –
according to an NOP poll taken this week.
The horrendous photos of coalition
troops torturing and abusing Iraqi prisoners have driven down support for the
war and occupation of Iraq to an all-time low.
Months ago the Red Cross and Amnesty International
produced reports of abuse at the hands of British troops.
These acts, and
those by US forces, are not the work of a few "bad apples" but "systematic"
according to Amnesty. 37 incidents of suspected cold-blooded murder by British
troops are reported, including the death of eight-year-old Hanan Matrud.
Blair says that he "didn’t know" what was going on. Does
he really think that we will buy that?
He took Britain into Bush’s war for oil
and to secure US imperialism’s domination of the Middle East, ignoring mass
protests here and internationally.
He has declared undying support for Bush at
every turn. He and his government share the blame for the thousands of Iraqis
who have died and for all the atrocities that coalition troops are carrying
out in Iraq.
Torture, murder, violence and poverty – this is the daily
reality for ordinary Iraqis. And it will continue to be so as long as the
occupation troops remain.
We say:
End the occupation. Withdraw the troops now.
Let the Iraqi people determine their own future.
Build the socialist alternative.