The four shop stewards who were sacked six years ago from Belfast International airport, after organising a strike for a 50p an hour pay rise, have won their legal battle with their former employer. An appeal hearing has backed the original decision.
As we have reported in previous issues of The Socialist, the four have had to fight on their own against airport security company ICTS.
After the ruling, Gordon McNeill said: “This judgement is an important victory for the whole trade union movement and a blow to anti trade union, low pay employers like ICTS.”
Gordon is continuing his campaign to expose the full truth of what went on, particularly the role of some of the trade union officials involved. However, the leadership of Unite has offered the stewards £40,000 each, provided they sign an agreement preventing them from ever speaking about the dispute again.
Support Gordon’s campaign and protest to Tony Woodley and the Unite executive. See: www.