the socialist diary
Socialist Students national meeting
Saturday 30 August, 10am – 5pm
Exmouth Arms Pub (Conference Room upstairs)
1 Starcross Street, London NW1 2HR
Near to Euston Station.
This is a meeting for all Socialist Students members. Discussions include ‘Britain in crisis – how will it affect students?’ and planning to build Socialist Students throughout the coming university year.
Contact Socialist Students on [email protected] or 020 8558 7947.
Socialist Party youth meeting
Saturday 30 August, 6pm – 8pm
Sunday 31 August, 10am – 4pm
Venue will be in London
For young Socialist Party members and young people who think they will soon join the party. Details are available from your local Socialist Party branch and from Ben at [email protected] or call 020 8988 8769. A rally will take place on Saturday night, followed by discussions on Sunday.
Socialist Party National trade union meeting
Saturday 30 August, 11.30am-5pm, London.
What way forward for the trade unions?
Building the Socialist Party in the workplace and the trade unions.
For more information, ring 020 8988 8777
London socialist women readers’ group
Friday 5 September, 7pm. London, venue TBA.
Join us to discuss and read parts of Love of the Worker Bees by Alexander Kollanti. We will also discuss upcoming Socialist Women campaigns and events. Drinks and cake available.
Please bring something to share.
Contact Sarah on 020 8988 8771 for more information.
Burston Strike School rally
Sunday 7 September, 11am – 4.30pm
Church Green, Burston, near Diss, Norfolk
Speakers include John McDonnell MP and Kate Hudson, CND Chair, with live music in the afternoon. Organised by Unite and SERTUC.
Socialist Party black & Asian group meeting
Saturday 20 September, London.
This is a meeting for all black and Asian members of the Socialist Party to discuss campaigns and plans.
Socialist Party lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender group meeting
Saturday 27 – Sunday 28 September, London.
Discussions on historical materialism, transgender issues and developing the work of the Socialist Party LGBT group.
Socialism 2008
Saturday 8 – Sunday 9 November, London.
A weekend of discussion and debate, hosted by the Socialist Party.
For more information on the above the above four events, phone 020 8988 8777.