Campaigning against the BNP
Fighting on class policies
YOUTH AGAINST Racism, helped by young Socialist Party members from across South Wales, took to Swansea’s streets on 2 August to protest at the BNP’s vile, racist lies and to put forward a socialist solution to the problems of soaring inflation, wage cuts and cuts in public services faced by working-class people.
The BNP, led by convinced neo-fascists, tries to take advantage of the anger and frustration felt by ordinary people over these issues, and to lay the blame on immigrants and ethnic minorities. Of course, their task is made much easier by the nationalist scaremongering published daily in the mainstream capitalist press.
As well as explaining the BNP’s racist, sexist and homophobic agenda, we also discussed the causes of workers’ day-to-day problems. Almost everybody we spoke to enthusiastically agreed with us on these points. Several people expressed an interest in going to the protest against the BNP’s Red, White and Blue ‘festival’.
Our event showed the potential for building a mass campaign against the BNP’s racism and for a new party of the working class, to put forward a real solution to the misery of capitalism.
Joe Fathallah
Far right forced to pay out
A FAR right organisation, “ProK-ln” has had to pay 10,200 euro (£8,000) to Claus Ludwig, a councillor for the Left Party (Die Linke) in Koln, Germany. ProK-ln published a video containing false information about the councillor on its website despite written warnings to stop doing so.
Claus Ludwig says: “This money is the product of unbelievable stupidity by ProK-ln. But it is also a result of anti-fascist activity.” He will use this money to support the work against racism, Nazis and ProK-ln and to build anti-racist youth and school students’ groups.