Organising to fight uni tuition fees in Bangor
SUPPORTERS OF the Campaign to Defeat Fees in Bangor university took our fight to build a mass campaign to beat the fees to students around campus. Bangor students union is holding a referendum on whether to carry out a fighting strategy.
Students came to our stalls taking ‘vote yes’ leaflets and posters for themselves, their friends and to put up around campus. On 13 October, we plastered the campus with posters and gave out 300 leaflets. We collected 70 names of students who pledged to vote ‘yes’ and sold ten copies of The Socialist.
Given the huge bailout being given to the banks, students have every right to ask who will bail them out from all their debts. They are interested in supporting our campaigning strategy rather than the National Union of Students leadership’s ‘fiddling whilst Rome burns.’
That evening, we held a public meeting where students discussed the need for a mass campaign to be built. We spoke of the victories students had achieved elsewhere in Britain and internationally. Some supporters of the ‘no’ campaign attended and were impressed by the fact that we convinced students who were not sure at the meeting to vote ‘yes’!