Response from Italy

Response from Italy to Lindsey Oil Refinery strike

The strike is big news here in Italy. Inevitably the press and media are portraying it as an “anti-Italian strike” – a strike for “British jobs for British workers”.

The anti-immigrant Lega Nord, who are in the government, are ‘warning’ that similar ‘anti-foreigner’ protests will soon break out in the north of Italy.

But Giorgio Cremaschi, a left leader of the metal workers’ union Fiom attacked neo-liberal “social dumping” policies that try to foment a “war amongst the poor”.

“If the Italian workers are being paid less than the British workers and their conditions are worse, this strike is a just one” he said. “We have to fight for equal conditions”.

We have translated the Socialist Party strike leaflet and posted it on our website. It’s also on the website of Controcorrente (a group on the left of the Prc – Party of Communist Refoundation).

Christine Thomas, Lotta, CWI Italy