YET ANOTHER MP has been caught with their snout in the parliamentary expenses trough. This time its employment minister Tony McNulty.
The New Labour MP for Harrow East (eleven miles from Westminster) – who lives in Hammersmith (five miles from Westminster) – claimed a second home allowance of £60,000 at his parents’ home in Harrow.
Under the generous parliamentary expenses rule, those MPs commuting to Westminster from 49 outer London seats can claim an Additional Costs Allowance, even though they can easily commute using public transport.
The exposé of McNulty’s expenses claims comes hot on the heels of a similar claim by the Home Secretary Jacqui Smith. Such is the public furore at these claims, the Committee on Standards in Public Life will investigate them ‘before the end of the year’. In other words the issue will be kicked into the long grass.
At a time of recession when ordinary mortals are losing their homes and livelihoods, the sight of MPs with their second homes and ‘John Lewis list’ expenses claims; employing their families and friends as parliamentary researchers; having second jobs as non-executive directors of private companies; on top of fat salaries, and a generous final salary pension… is enough to make you a socialist!