Linda Taaffe visited the 24-hour picket at the Visteon factory gate in Enfield, and spoke to some of the workers – Julie, Shane and Chris.
The mood is one of grim determination. They are disgusted at the company’s derisory offer.
In their words “The company are taking the p….! They are trying either to fob us off on the cheap, or starve us out. They’re dragging out negotiations.
“Many of us have worked here for 20 or 30 years. We can’t get alternative employment. We’ve been down the job centres but no-one has got anything. Only one lad has got an alternative job in a family firm – but he’s working 12 hours a day for what he could earn in eight at Visteon.
“We only want justice, and an entitlement to what we deserve. Not like Steve Gawne the big boss. We all want to see him go to prison!
“But we are not going to give up. We ARE the union. We’d say to other workers – if you’ve got a problem do the same. Do a Visteon!
“We are asking supporters up and down the country to help us. Go to Ford factories and picket them. Picket Ford showrooms and dealers too. We’ve got to spread it.”