Under democratic workers’ control and Management
§ No job losses, no asset-stripping of Longbridge and Rover.
§ No breaking up of Rover and sell-off of Land Rover.
§ No transfer of Mini production without workers’ agreement.
§ End big business secrets.
§ Open the books. Where have all the profits and subsidies gone?
ROVER SHOP stewards are committed to fighting the break-up of Rover. The demonstration this Saturday is just the beginning of the struggle. A Senior Steward spoke to The Socialist about the mood in the factories:
“It’s been a quick passage from rumour to closure. I’ve been laid off and told not to come back until May. But the plants that workers leave will not be the same as those we come back to.
“Arch Blairite Byers has offered £152 million to Longbridge over the heads of Alchemy. Where’s the free market now? Why doesn’t he go the whole hog and nationalise? Byers could lose his job but he has more chance of getting another decent job than we have.
“Alchemy just want short-term profit, which means breaking up the group. They want to turn Longbridge into a little workshop. The only way we can defend Longbridge is to occupy the plant. The Mini line is there, up and running and you can get cars through the paint shop. This technology must be protected.
“Striking is not an option for us, we’re already laid off.
“This demo on Saturday will be more than just a march round Birmingham, it’s our first line of defence against the jobs massacre.”
Come to the Socialist Party public meeting after the demo. Hear:
- Dave Nellist, Socialist Party councillor and ex-MP for Coventry South-East
- A senior Rover steward