Stop The Private Takeover Of Public Services.
Kick Out The Parties Of Big Business.
Build A Socialist Alternative To Capitalism.
FORMER LABOUR MP DAVE NELLIST, now the leader of the Socialist Party group on Coventry city council and national chair of the Socialist Alliance, says: ‘Vote socialist and join the Socialist Party’.
“AT THE 1997 election millions of people were told by New Labour that ‘things could only get better’.
But look around. What do you see? The gap between the rich and the rest is still increasing, pensions are still woefully inadequate, students have the millstones of loans and tuition fees deterring them from higher education, and millions of people are still surviving on poverty level benefits. And all this in the fourth richest economy in the world.
The problem is not any lack of money to improve people’s lives – it’s who controls society’s resources and who benefits from the way in which that wealth is spent.
New Labour is no longer a party for ordinary working people and their families. Tony Blair’s team are in hock to big business, and the giant corporations are calling the tune. And privatisation will accelerate if Labour, as expected, wins the next election. With private companies profiteering out of even wider sections of health, education and welfare.
All three main parties are committed to the defence of capitalism. That’s a system that allows a few thousand millionaires at the top of society a life beyond the dreams of most ordinary people, paid for by a greater and greater sacrifice from the rest of us.
It’s time to construct a socialist alternative to capitalism. To do that working people need a new mass party pledged to build a rationally planned, publicly owned and democratically controlled socialist society. A party that fights as hard for working people and their families as the pro-business parties do for the rich.
Vote Socialist: Socialist Alternative and Socialist Alliance in England and Wales, and for Scottish Socialist Party candidates in Scotland. But don’t just vote socialist, join us in that work.”