The Socialist Party is appealing to all its supporters and readers of The Socialist to make a donation this Christmas to support the party’s fight to build a socialist alternative.
Ken Douglas, Socialist Party national treasurer
2009 has been a year in which the capitalists, the bankers, hedge funds and big corporations have saved themselves and their system with huge bail-out packages financed by government debt. We will be presented with the bill for this bailout in 2010. The bosses and the government are going to attempt to make workers pay for their crisis through job losses and cuts in public services.
So while bankers pay themselves billions of pounds in obscene bonuses this Christmas – bonuses paid from our money – ordinary workers will be concerned about what next year will bring. Some, like the Corus workers on Teesside, already know that they will need to fight to save their jobs.
The victories of the Lindsey oil refinery workers, the Visteon workers and trade unionist Rob Williams’ reinstatement at Linamar show that if you fight you can win.
There is the prospect of a new election coalition of socialists and trade unionists standing candidates at the next election. Youth Fight for Jobs has shown through its recent fantastic national demonstration the potential to organise thousands of young people against unemployment and university fees.
The Socialist Party is at the heart of this fight against the bosses’ attacks and for a new mass workers’ party. Above all we are fighting for a socialist alternative, for a system where all the wealth that is created by workers is used for the benefit of everyone. If you support our fight then please make a donation using the form at the bottom of the page.