In the forthcoming general election the three main parties will offer a diet of cuts in public services and attacks on pay, pensions and working conditions. The Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) has been founded in order to stand candidates who are against all cuts and for workers’ rights.
More sponsors signed up to the coalition this week, some of whom are listed below. All appear in a personal capacity.
To add your name either e-mail [email protected] or write to TUSC, 17 Colebert House, Colebert Avenue, London E1 4JP. Donations can also be sent to the same address, with cheques payable to Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition.
Dave Hughes President, Birmingham Trades Council CS Curu Chair, Coventry Pensioners’ Association Peter Bainbridge RMT Stuart Richardson Treasurer, Birmingham Trades Council Roger Priest Former Labour parliamentary candidate Susan McDowell Secretary Lambeth College UCU Peter Grue Chair, Telford College UCU Godfrey Webster Assistant Secretary Birmingham Trades Council Pete Duffy Executive member Birmingham Trades Council Ben Robinson Chair Youth Fight for Jobs Campaign Dylan Roberts Wrexham PCS Jake Moore Shropshire UCATT Peter Morton Medway Unison Darren O’Grady Secretary Waltham Forest Trades Council Manny Dominguez Leeds Unison