New workers’ party needed

THE CAMPAIGN for a New Workers’ Party (CNWP) has condemned more sleaze revelations on former PM, Tony Blair:

“As the Chilcot Inquiry continues to hear evidence that Tony Blair took Britain into a long and bloody war in Iraq on totally false premises, and against public opinion, we now hear that the same Tony Blair has made ‘hundreds of thousands of pounds’ from a paid job advising an investment consortium led by UI Energy, one of the biggest investors in Iraq’s oil rich Kurdistan region.

“Tony Blair has clearly used some of the contacts he made in the Iraq war to line his own pocket,” CNWP spokesperson Pete McLaren said.

CNWP chair and Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition candidate Dave Nellist, who is standing against defence secretary Bob Ainsworth (Coventry NE) in the general election, added: “As with the abuse of MPs’ expenses, this feeds the distrust and contempt people feel for all establishment politicians. That is why we are working to build a new party of the left, a workers’ party whose representatives will only take the average workers’ wage.

“Tony Blair will never be forgiven, and we are close to establishing a new socialist alternative to the tired old policies of the establishment parties.”