Defend jobs and services – Fight for a workers’ alternative
Civil Servants on strike in March 2010, photo by Paul Mattsson
- No cuts in public services and jobs. For fully funded, publicly owned and democratically run public services.
- For an immediate 50% increase in the state retirement pension, as a step towards a living pension. Reinstate the link with average earnings now.
- No to mass unemployment. For investment in socially useful job creation programmes, such as house building, youth facilities and other services.
- Stop all privatisation and take privatised services back in-house.
- Build local anti-cuts campaigns to defend jobs and services.
- For a major trade union-initiated national demonstration.
- For a united struggle of public sector unions, including a one-day public sector strike.
- Break the trade union link with New Labour. For a new mass workers’ party. Vote for and support Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition election candidates as an important step in this direction.
- For a democratic socialist alternative to ensure the wealth of society and production can be used and planned to meet the needs of all and of the environment, rather than to increase the wealth of the rich.