THE SOCIALIST Party will contest all 18 wards in the Coventry city council elections on 6 May. This is the first time that we are standing in every seat, giving each voter the chance to vote for a Socialist Alternative candidate. We are also part of the TUSC coalition.
Our candidates include sitting St Michaels councillor Rob Windsor who is defending his seat, trade union representatives, community activists, campaigners against student tuition fees and youth unemployment, veterans of the battle against Thatcher’s hated poll tax, and leaders of the anti-PFI car parking charges campaign at Walsgrave Hospital.
We are the only party to campaign against the Private Finance Initiative (PFI – Profit From Illness) scheme at Walsgrave, which has meant a private company pocketing £2.7 million in just one year from parking charges.
Only the socialists opposed the Tory council planned cuts of £72 million over the next three years, when every Labour councillor voted with the Tories.
So, if you want to vote against the establishment parties’ ‘Tweedledum Tweedledee’ politics, vote Socialist Alternative in Coventry.