Come To ISR Conference

22 November 2003

Young people are facing continuing cuts and privatisation of the education system across the world and, in England and Wales, the prospect of top-up university fees.

Clare James, ISR national co-ordinator

We are often forced into low paid jobs in unsafe working conditions and the lack of affordable, quality housing across the country is adding to worsening living conditions for all.

Blair and Co. continue to cut education, workplace training, youth facilities etc, but have no problem finding over £3 billion to fund the war on Iraq.

Tens of thousands of school and college students took part in and organised the strikes against the war across Europe that electrified the anti-war movement.

International Socialist Resistance (ISR) initiated these strikes and they show that, contrary to the image they are given in the media, young people are prepared to fight back!

ISR is an international, anti-capitalist organisation run by and for young people.

The international launch was in December 2001 in Brussels, Belgium, with over 500 young people mainly from around Europe.

ISR also has affiliated groups in South Africa, Kashmir, USA, Australia, Brazil and many other countries.

Fight for your future

We will be holding our second England and Wales annual conference on Saturday 22 November which will give the opportunity to discuss how to continue to build the anti-war movement and for school, FE and university students to plan how to campaign against tuition and top-up fees.

Young workers will be able to discuss and plan the fight against low pay and casualisation and Year 9 school students the campaign against SATs exams.

If you want to help plan the campaign against the attacks on higher education then come along – Socialist Students will be running the workshop to discuss this campaign.

What you can do

Make sure that ISR members and supporters, young people you know, friends, Socialist Student members and supporters, school and college students who took part in the strikes against the war, young members of the Socialist Party etc are all invited to have the opportunity to attend and take part in the ISR conference as soon as possible.

There are leaflets and posters available – send off for them now and make sure the conference is advertised as widely as possible.

If your local ISR group would like to send resolutions to be discussed at the conference to help build the ISR campaigns, please send them in no later than 7 November and, if possible, no more than 400 words.

Tickets cost £4 waged and £2 unwaged. Cheques and postal orders can be made payable to ISR and sent to PO BOX 858, London, E11 1YG.

More information will follow in future issues of the socialist, but please don’t hesitate in getting in touch with ISR for more information:

020 8558 7947
[email protected]
PO BOX 858, London, E11 1YG.