I WENT to my first Socialist Party summer camp last year as a fairly new member. It was fantastic being in such a relaxed environment with everybody on the same political wavelength and with the same goals in mind.
Katie Simpson, Cardiff East Socialist Party
There were brilliant discussion topics, including ‘women in the recession’, ‘revolution in Latin America’ and ‘Darwin in the 21st century’, as well as a Youth Fight for Jobs rally.
As a young person I was keen to contribute in the Youth Fight for Jobs discussion. Despite being new to the party I didn’t feel nervous about contributing. Everyone was keen to listen and share thoughts and ideas. I was really impressed. The campsite had swings on the trees, climbing equipment and an archery course, good showers and proper toilets.
And everyone was really friendly. In between discussion sessions during the day, activities were available for a small price. After the discussions, a tasty dinner was cooked up which we could buy tokens for earlier in the day.
With the campfire came the sing-song. Anybody who wanted to entertain had the option – even my Britney Spears rendition got a good response! The quiz night was a really good laugh.
All in all the weekend was a very enjoyable experience.
The camp is a fantastic opportunity to learn and share knowledge, experiences and ideas and meet Socialist Party members and supporters from different areas.
I am looking forward to going again this year!
Socialist Party summer camp
27-30 August 2010
(August bank holiday)
Discussions include:
Costs: £40 for a waged adult, £25 unwaged or low-paid adult, £10 for one day, £12 for a child and £95 for a family.
There will be a charge for sporting activities like archery, quad bikes (new this year) and climbing, to cover the cost of instructors.
A crèche is available during all political discussions. To book, send a £10 deposit to Socialist Party, PO Box 24697, London E11 1YD.
For more information please phone 020 8988 8782. www.socialistparty.org.uk/summercamp