Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Socialist issue 811

14 May 2014

VOTE TUSC - For the millions not the billionaires

PDF | 2014 Back issues

The Socialist issue 811

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Vote Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition

spotFor the millions not the billionaires

Vote Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition: Britain is said to be coming out of recession, but it doesn’t feel like that for most people. Millions of families are just a pay-cheque away from losing their home. One million people rely on food banks



spotFight back at the ballot box on 22 May

spotBuilding Labour: when workers first formed own party

Throughout the 19th century it was seen as unquestionable that the Liberal Party – an alliance of industrial capitalists and the urban middle classes – should be the party supported by workers, and that this would always be the case

spotSouthampton: Showing what’s possible

spotLiverpool City Council 1983-87: “We had a choice”

spotWhy we’re standing as TUSC candidates

Save our NHS!: As a former committed Labour supporter and ex-Care UK worker I am standing for TUSC in Doncaster in the local elections

spotOn the campaign trail with TUSC

Suffering austerity – standing for TUSC: I’m standing for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) in the Central Southsea ward of Portsmouth City, writes Daniel Sutton-Johanson

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotUkip – the establishment’s ‘anti-establishment’ party

spotHousing evictions – main parties to blame

Evictions in Britain have reached a ten year high. Disgracefully 31,000 possession orders are being applied for by councils, and it’s mostly Labour councils that are carrying out this appalling act

spotGove robs education budget to fund ‘Free Schools’

Tory Education Secretary Michael Gove is an easy target for comedians, for example, David Schneider’s tweet: “Free Schools to be renamed £400m-From-Budget-For-Other-Kids-Schools”

spotThem & Us

Socialist Party feature

spotWhat’s socialism got to do with fighting austerity?

Each week members of the Socialist Party sell copies of the Socialist newspaper. Sellers are often questioned about socialist ideas. Here Socialist Party general secretary Peter Taaffe ‘reports’ on one such discussion as it might take place

Socialist councillor Kshama Sawant on a 15 Now demonstration in Seattle, photo Alex Garland

Socialist councillor Kshama Sawant on a 15 Now demonstration in Seattle, photo Alex Garland

International socialist news and analysis

spotSouth Africa: The ANC victory, WASP and the EFF

The African National Congress has been re-elected with 62%, a marginal decline of 3.5% on 2009. Given the scandal-filled term of president Zuma, ANC strategists must nevertheless be breathing a sigh of relief

spotCapitalist politicians can’t solve Boko Haram crisis

The abduction of over 200 girls from a public secondary school in Chibok (in the Northern state of Borno) on 14 April by right-wing political Islamic group Boko Haram has sparked global outrage, writes Hassan Taiwo Soweto, Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM, CWI Nigeria)

spotIreland: Election campaigns “referendum on austerity”

Socialist Party workplace news

spotCare UK strike: NHS workers v NHS privatisation

Doncaster managers have called the Care UK strikers “The Angry Mob”. The Angry Mob have been on tour this week taking their fight against privatisation and pay cuts all over the country

Care UK strikes take their campaign to Parliament, May 2014

Care UK strikes take their campaign to Parliament, May 2014

spotPCS: Re-election of a fighting, socialist leadership

Socialist Janice Godrich has been elected president of PCS for the 13th time and the Democracy Alliance candidates have been elected to the union’s national executive for the 12th

spotLeadership challenged at Usdaw conference

Usdaw’s 2014 Annual Delegate Meeting (ADM) opened to a backdrop of announcements of job losses and cuts in Tesco

spotBrighton: Determined to fight college cuts

Staff at City College Brighton and Hove, have been shocked and outraged to hear management’s plans for redundancies and a ‘restructure’ (cut) of crucial support services and curriculum departments

spotTransport workers’ international meeting

On 25 April the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) held the transport workers’ section conference in London

spotWorkplace news in brief

spotFight together for pay rise – Come to NSSN conference

There is now the real prospect of Unison, GMB and Unite in the councils taking action together with teachers from the NUT, PCS and firefighters on 10 July

Readers’ reviews

spotTV review: In the Flesh

Helen Pattison reviews the BBC’s ‘In the Flesh’

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotFight back to scrap junk jobs

From Britain to Seattle to Brazil: Britain is no country for young people. Journalists have invented a new term to describe a special ‘phase’ of life which our generation experiences – we’re all going through a ‘quarter life’ crisis

Protesting against zero-hour contracts in Lewsham, photo Jim Jepps

Protesting against zero-hour contracts in Lewsham, photo Jim Jepps

spotFreedom Riders- action brings victory

South Yorkshire’s Freedom Riders have won a victory in our campaign to get back our travel concessions

spotBuilding TUSC, building socialism

Socialists and trade unionists are competing in 62 council seats in the south west under the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) banner

spotDonate to the election appeal!

The Socialist Party is appealing for £15,000 to help finance our election campaigns for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) in the council and mayoral elections and No2EU in the European elections

spotWhy I joined the Socialist Party

It’s not working any more, is it? Inequality; that you can lose your job so the rich owner can shovel up another few pence; that you can work but not afford to live…


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