Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Socialist issue 859

10 June 2015

£7k rise for MPs... Peanuts for us!

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The Socialist issue 859

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Socialist Party news and analysis

spot£7K rise for MPs… Peanuts for us!

For workers’ MPs on an average worker’s wage: “The pay ‘rise’ I had this year amounts to £10 a month after deductions, which is then offset against my housing benefit and tax credits anyway,” says a low-paid adult social care worker

MPs are set to get a 10% pay rise, photo Peter Symonds

MPs are set to get a 10% pay rise, photo Peter Symonds

spotStrikes and bold campaigning can beat academy plans

Martin Powell-Davies, secretary of Lewisham National Union of Teachers (NUT) branch and national executive member, explains how Lewisham’s teachers, students and parents beat plans to make local schools into academies

spotCoulson case collapses amid stench of hypocrisy

“Not every lie amounts to perjury”: In a farcical outcome riddled with class bias, Andy Coulson – former editor of the defunct News of the World (NoW) tabloid – saw the perjury case against him collapse at the High Court in Edinburgh last week

spotFifa scandals – a rottenness based on corporate greed

spotFight devastating spending cuts

spotRoyal Mail sell-off: Public service, not private profit

spotCan Corbyn’s left challenge succeed?

spotThem & Us

International socialist news and analysis

spotGreece: Crunch time for Syriza?

Recently Greece has appeared to move a step closer to defaulting on its debt and exiting from the eurozone, writes Niall Mulholland, CWI.

spot900 attend rally to re-elect Kshama Sawant!

“Seattle is being turned into a playground for the rich, a profit machine for the big developers… I have a different vision for Seattle, one that is based on social justice, equality, and environmental sustainability”

Socialist Party feature

spotNo to a capitalist EU, Yes to a socialist Europe!

The promised EU referendum has the potential to split the government and the Tory party itself from top to bottom

RMT transport union members, including late general secretary Bob Crow (second from left holding banner) march in Brussels, photo Paul Mattsson

RMT transport union members, including late general secretary Bob Crow (second from left holding banner) march in Brussels, photo Paul Mattsson

Socialist Party workplace news

spotFight austerity! Fight anti-union laws!

Come to the NSSN national conference: The latest anti-union law proposal for strike ballots to need 50% turnouts is not about ‘democracy’ – it is a pre-emptive strike by the Tories to make it harder for workers to fight further cuts, writes Dave Gorton, NSSN Communications Officer.

National Shop Stewards Network demonstration to lobby the TUC, photo Sujeeth

National Shop Stewards Network demonstration to lobby the TUC, photo Sujeeth

spotCouncil cancels facility time to pave way for cuts

A Tory council in south London has withdrawn vital time for staff representatives to do trade union work. Meanwhile, it is preparing to demolish council services. The timing is no coincidence, writes Onay Kasab, Unite regional organiser.

spotGains for left in Unison elections

spot‘Clear fighting strategy’ needed for council workers

There is a mood of impending dread among millions of local government workers. The Tories are preparing to swing the axe once more on council budgets, unfortunately with the passive – or active – support

spotRMT strikes for unfairly sacked train guard

spotBakers’ union debates political representation

Political representation for workers was the keynote for the first day and a half of bakers’ union BFAWU’s annual conference, writes Iain Dalton.

spotStriking porters ‘a hundred times stronger’

In the city’s longest-running strike for over twenty years, Dundee hospital porters are into their tenth week of action, writes Philip Stott, Socialist Party Scotland.

spotWorkplace news in brief

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spot‘Promising futures’ wasted by cuts

Build a mass movement to fight back: Thousands of “promising futures” are being put at risk by cuts. That’s according to a survey of English councils by the Local Government Association (LGA). 90% have cut services for teenagers not in

spotJoin TUSC on the march against austerity

spotNewcastle demo sets a striking tone

spotLeeds TUSC calls for not-for-profit letting agency

spotProtesters tell Labour councils to fight Tory cuts

spotWarrington TUSC

Readers’ comments and reviews

spotThis Skype is the limit!

A neighbour of mine is married with two children and lives in a nice council house. His wife holds down three jobs, writes Stan Herschel

spot1945 – when Britain said no to Churchill

spot‘Socialism is the only way to stop austerity and poverty’


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