Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The Socialist issue 199: Labour's Criminal Failings

The Socialist issue 199

spotFoot And Mouth Crisis: Labour’s Criminal Failings

BLAIR IS stepping in and taking ‘personal control’ of the foot and mouth crisis. It’s belated recognition that the government’s ‘Operation Cobra’ to eradicate foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a failure.

spot29 March Tube Strike

AS WE go to press, London Underground (LUL) are attempting to stop the tube strike on 29 March. But rather than negotiate seriously, during earlier negotiations with rail union RMT, they threatened to…

spotFrenzied speculators enter the deflationary spiral

spotLabour fiddles while countryside burns

spotTeachers must stand firm

spotThe deadly power of agri-business

spotvCJD – the real health threat

spotAsylum Seekers: Fact and Fiction

spotBuilding the Socialist Party
