Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Socialist issue 281: Blair's War on Public services

The Socialist issue 281

13 December 2002

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotBlair’s War on Public services

spotThe Sleazy Blairs

spotFor A Socialist Alternative To War

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotFirefighters Are Determined To Win

FIREFIGHTERS HAVE had mixed feelings about talks at ACAS. While many welcomed them, there is also scepticism about whether they will actually deliver

spotFees Headache For New Labour

spotPartnerships Bill: End All Discriminatory Laws

Socialist Party feature

spot60 Years After Beveridge Welfare reform – back to the future?

THE BEVERIDGE Report advocated full employment and the creation of a welfare state. It was 1942 and the second world war had raised workers’ expectations of a better future. Thousands had died and those

spotTolerating prostitution?

International socialist news and analysis

spotVenezuela: The Great Oil Class War

VENEZUELA IS in political crisis as US-backed opponents of populist President Hugo Chavez continued a national strike to remove him, writes Dave Carr.

spotBuilding The Forces Of Socialism Internationally

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