Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist, issue 522: Rich get richer - We pay the bills

Articles from the Socialist, issue 522

27 February 2008

spotRich get richer – We pay the bills

TGWU cleaners demonstrating against low pay, photo Molly Cooper

TGWU cleaners demonstrating against low pay, photo Molly Cooper

THE GROWING chasm in wealth between the super-rich and the rest of us is causing seething anger amongst workers who struggle with rising fuel bills, huge mortgages and additional charges, writes Rob Windsor, Coventry Socialist Party councillor

Unison witch-hunt

spotEditorial: Stop witch-hunts in Unison – defend those attacked!

As The Socialist reported last week, the witch-hunt against the left in public-sector trade union Unison has reached a new level…

spotTrade union activist fights intimidation

spotMembers protest at Unison witch-hunt

Socialist Students

spotStudent feature: Fighting fees

Students and trade unionists marched through Newcaste on the Campaign to Defeat Fees day of action, photo Northumbria Socialist Students

Students and trade unionists marched through Newcaste on the Campaign to Defeat Fees day of action, photo Northumbria Socialist Students

On 21 February Socialist Students and supporters of the Campaign to Defeat Fees (CDF) organised protests and stunts around the country to draw attention to the need for a national campaign against university fees and for free, writes Mark Walmsley and Frankie Langeland

Campaign for a New Workers Party

spotBuilding the Campaign for a New Workers’ Party

Campaign for a new workers

Campaign for a new workers’ party conference 2007, photo Paul Mattsson

Debate: Pete McLaren, national secretary of the Socialist Alliance and press officer of the Campaign for a New Workers Party (CNWP), has written this contribution to The Socialist …

Workplace news

spotShelter staff vote to strike

Union members at the housing charity Shelter have voted overwhelmingly to take strike action over sweeping cuts to pay and conditions…

spotAcas staff ballot for strike

spotJournalists battle for union rights

spotWorkplace News in brief

International socialist news and analysis

spotScotland – Vendetta against Tommy Sheridan condemned

Tommy Sheridan in 2007

Tommy Sheridan in 2007

A total of seven people including Tommy Sheridan and his wife Gail have now been charged with perjury by Lothian and Borders Police, writes Philip Stott, Dundee

spotFeature: Fidel Castro’s resignation opens up new chapter

spotPakistan elections: Crushing defeat for Musharraf, landslide for opposition parties

spotMiliband’s extraordinary apology on rendition

spotSleaze in Northern Ireland: Keeping it in the family

Socialist Party campaigns

spotDon’t let our hospital pay the price for PFI

HUNDREDS OF people from south east London will march through Sidcup on Saturday 1 March to save vital services at Queen Mary’s Hospital (QMH)…

spotExplosive mood on gas profits

spotFight Devon and Somerset fire cuts

spotMarching against single status pay cuts

spotNeither Labour nor Tories will defend public services

spotPost Office closures

spotSheffield buses campaign: ‘Saving our services’


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