Articles from the Socialist, issue 537
11 June 2008
Socialist Party NHS campaign
The PUSH NHS demonstration in 2006 called for a national demonstration, photo Sarah Sachs-Eldridge |
‘Failed’ hospitals, polyclinics: WHETHER IT’S Gordon Brown or Tony Blair, New Labour’s policy on the NHS remains the same – privatisation. The government took a further step in that direction recently with their announcement that any NHS hospital considered ‘a failure’ would in the future be run by a private company, writes Roger Davey, chair Swindon and Wiltshire health care Unison branch.
Banking on NHS profits
Protest against the BNP after the Greater London Assembly elections, photo Sarah Mayo |
‘How can such a party have won seats in local councils and one on the Greater London Assembly?’ This is a common question encountered by Socialist Party members when campaigning against the racist British National Party, writes Sarah Sachs-Eldridge.
Socialist Party editorial
AFTER THE final state primaries, Barack Obama has effectively secured the Democratic nomination for the presidential election in November. The fact that the contest was between an African-American and a woman symbolises deep social changes in the US…
Obama declares victory, and shifts to the right
Socialist Party campaigns
“Anti-terror” laws are no solution
THE GOVERNMENT’S proposal to increase the period that “terrorism suspects” can be detained without charge from 28 days to 42, comes before parliament as we go to press, writes Roger Shrives.
Defend Tommy Sheridan
Stirring rally backs Tommy Sheridan
Tommy Sheridan in 2007 |
AT AN inspiring rally in Glasgow on 7 June, 250 people pledged their support for Tommy Sheridan, Gail Sheridan, Gus Healey, Graeme McIver, Rosemary Byrne, Jock Penman and Pat Smith, writes Jim McFarlane, CWI Scotland.
Unison witch-hunt hits Northern Ireland
Campaign for a New Workers Party
Come to the Campaign for a New Workers’ Party Conference
At the rally for the national TUC lobby of Parliament on public-sector pay on 9 June, the loudest applause was given to those general secretaries who called on unions to coordinate industrial action on pay across the public sector to increase our pressure on the New Labour government, writes Katrine Williams, PCS DWP Wales secretary, personal capacity.
New Labour’s parallel universe
Socialist Party youth and students
Underfunding youth facilities: It makes no sense!
Fifteen teenagers have been murdered in London in 2008, twelve of them stabbed to death. The question of violence dominates the mainstream media, and all of the main political parties have been clambering to prove they’re ‘the toughest on crime’…
Socialist Party feature
Oil price shock – the chaos of capitalism
Years of frenzied speculation on commodity markets: We have been hit by a tsunami of energy price rises. A flood of speculative activity in oil markets has produced a huge bubble that will inevitably collapse in coming months. Lynn Walsh investigates.
Sudan’s poor paying the price for oil
Socialist Party review
Immortal Technique at the Coronet, London 4 June 2008
Gig review: Today’s music is often accused of lacking the integrity, provocative thought and political anger of ‘the good old days’, with hip-hop being first in the firing line, writes Michael Wrack.
Socialist Party workplace news
Usdaw needs a fighting leadership
Socialist Party member Robbie Segal is standing for general secretary of the shop and distribution workers’ union USDAW. The Socialist recently interviewed her…
Organise to fight the public-sector pay robbery
National Shop Stewards Network second conference
National Shop Stewards Network second conference
Saturday 28 June, 11.30am-4.30pm
South Camden Community School, Charrington Street, London NW1.
Speakers include Bob Crow, RMT, Mark Serwotka, PCS and Brian Caton, POA, plus shop stewards from disputes around the country.
£5 per delegate. Send to: NSSN, PO Box 58262, London N1 1ET.
Ring 020 8522 1156 email: [email protected]
Fujitsu workers strike to save jobs