Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Socialist issue 609

27 January 2010

Prosecute the war criminal Blair

2010 Back issues

spotProsecute the war criminal Blair

Death reaches out to Tony Blair from Iraq - cartoon by Alan Hardman

Death reaches out to Tony Blair from Iraq – cartoon by Alan Hardman

Credit crunch

spotBonuses for bankers but recession for workers

My new year’s resolution was to stop watching TV. This is not for health reasons but because I can’t afford to buy a new one if I kick it in while watching the news! Who hasn’t wanted to do that recently?

spotOutrage against bankers spurs Obama on

Editorial: “If these folks want a fight, it’s a fight I’m ready to have,” were the stirring words of US president Barack Obama when he announced plans to curb the major US banks…

spotUnemployment figures don’t tell the full story

Socialist Party election campaign

spotLewisham Socialist Party prepares for election

WITH A general election and council elections looming, all the main parties are boasting about the massive level of cuts they will make to public services, the worst cuts in forty years, writes Chris Newby.

spotSupport for the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) grows

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotHaiti: Survivors shackled by huge debt and poverty

HAITI’S EARTHQUAKE survivors – overwhelmingly poor before the disaster struck – are now homeless and unemployed, writes Dave Carr.

spotCadbury’s bosses opt for a sugary takeover

spotFar right thugs invade Stoke

spotFood for thought

Socialist Party workplace news

spotUnison black members reject witch-hunt

“Unless Mr Kasab and his colleagues are punished, black Unison members can have no confidence in the union fighting racism.” These were the words of the Unison national officer who acted as the prosecution in the union’s case against four Socialist Party members, writes A Unison member.

spotSouth Yorkshire fire dispute Negotiations go national

spotBuilding the fight against education cuts at Leeds

spotGlasgow City Unison fights back against cuts in jobs and services

spotVisteon pensioners protest

spotTemperature rises at British Airways

The battle between British Airways management and cabin crew intensified in the last week with a series of provocative moves by management in response to cabin crew re-balloting for strike action, writes Neil Cafferky.

spotTicket office staff strike again

Members of the rail union TSSA walked out for a third time on 25 January as their dispute with Virgin Trains management continues…

Socialist Students

spotUniversity of Gloucestershire staff fight back

The University of Gloucestershire (UoG) is £36 million in debt and plans £3 million of cuts by July 2010, writes Chris Moore.

spotCuts at Cardiff University must be fought

Socialist Party feature

spotImperialism in Africa today

In a renewed ‘scramble for Africa’, the continent is again a competing arena for all the big powers globally – China, the US, the EU, Russia…

Workplace Feature: IT workers in mini strike wave

spotPCS members at Hewlett Parkard strike in Lytham St Annes and North Tyneside

Around 600 PCS members working for Hewlett Packard (HP) were on strike on 22 January over demands for job security, pay and trade union recognition, writes Ian Fitzpatrick, President PCS Commercial Sector.

spotSeventh day of national strike action at Fujitsu IT
