Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Socialist issue 638

15 September 2010

Join the fight against cuts

2010 Back issues

The Socialist issue 638

spotJoin the fight against cuts

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of TUC conference 2010 , photo Paul Mattsson

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of TUC conference 2010 , photo Paul Mattsson

Socialist Party editorial

spotDecisive action can defeat this government

Editorial: The very successful lobby of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) in Manchester, organised by the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN), points the way forward for the trade union movement in the looming conflict between the organised working class and the brutal Con-Dem government…

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of TUC conference in Manchester 2010, photo Suleyman Civi

National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of TUC conference in Manchester 2010, photo Suleyman Civi

TUC congress

spotTUC backs youth jobs demo

youth Fight for Jobs on the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of TUC conference in Manchester 2010, photo Suleyman Civi

youth Fight for Jobs on the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) lobby of TUC conference in Manchester 2010, photo Suleyman Civi

spotTUC told to name the day

spotTUC: Build for action against cuts

Socialist Party youth and students

spotStop the ‘slippery slope’ to two-tier education

Universities UK (UUK), the vice-chancellor’s organisation, has issued a warning that the Con-Dem ‘reforms’ to higher education will lead to a two-tier education system, writes Paul Callanan.

Youth Fight for Jobs protest outside the department for Business, Innovation and Skills, photo Paul Mattsson

Youth Fight for Jobs protest outside the department for Business, Innovation and Skills, photo Paul Mattsson

spotHow will the Browne Review into university funding affect you?

spotStudent strikes can win results

Feature: Socialist Party women

spotWomen and the struggle against oppression

Christine Thomas, author of the new book ‘It doesn’t have to be like this – Women and the Struggle for Socialism’ spoke to Sarah Wrack about why such a book was necessary.
Christine was the Socialist Party’s national women’s organiser from 1994 to 2006. She has written extensively on the question of women’s oppression for the Socialist newspaper and the Socialist Party’s theoretical magazine Socialism Today.

Women and the Struggle for Socialism

Women and the Struggle for Socialism

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotRoyal Mail: Con-Demned to history?

THE ANNOUNCEMENT by business secretary Vince Cable last week that the Con-Dem coalition intends to sell off Royal Mail (RM) came as no surprise to anyone in my office, a Coventry postal worker writes.

Communication Workers Union, CWU, lobby of parliament over the privatisation of Royal Mail postal services Feb 09, photo Paul Mattsson

Communication Workers Union, CWU, lobby of parliament over the privatisation of Royal Mail postal services Feb 09, photo Paul Mattsson

spotPrivatisation’s giant wrecking ball

spotFight the jobs cuts massacre

spotMiddlesborough local union-led public services alliance set up

spotFast news

IN AN enthusiastic response to the call by the major French trade union organisations, three million workers took to the streets of France on 7 September for a day of massive strikes and demonstrations in protest against the Sarkozy government’s attack on the country’s pension system…

spotGeneral strike in France

spotOsborne targets the needy

spotLabour councillors challenged in Hastings

spotShropshire: showing socialist alternative gets results

Socialist Party workplace news

spotLondon Underground: Action biting against job cuts

The overtime ban on London Underground is beginning to bite. In the last few days some stations have closed, including Charing Cross which had to be closed for 20 minutes over the weekend, writes Reg Johnstone.

Seven Sisters London Underground RMT and TSSA members strike, photo Paul Mattsson

Seven Sisters London Underground RMT and TSSA members strike, photo Paul Mattsson

spotUCU executive pulls out of strike ballot

spotFight for jobs at GSK

spotWorkplace news in brief

Anti-cuts campaign

spotMood of defiance in Huddersfield

OVER 300 angry, defiant marchers took to the streets of Huddersfield in a joint trade union demo against cuts and job losses on 11 September, writes Mike Forster.

Kirklees Save Our services trade union protest against cuts , photo Huddersfield Socialist Party

Kirklees Save Our services trade union protest against cuts , photo Huddersfield Socialist Party

spotHull park rangers protest

spotHow do we vote to stop the cuts?

spotNottinghamshire: Campaign saves vital service

spotLobbies warn councils of workers’ action

Socialism 2010

spotSocialism 2010: How can we save the environment?

Most scientific and political commentators now accept that the human race has to take action to avert catastrophic damage to our planet and to our societies which depend on its resources, writes Stephen Turnbull, Walthamstow Socialist Party.

Socialism 2010

Socialism 2010

International socialist news and analysis

spotAll-India general strike: Eyewitness report from Chennai

THE ALL-India general strike on 7 September showed the enormous potential for workers’ struggle in India, but also exposed a number of complicating factors, CWI reporters in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, write.

spotFighting oppression in Kazakhstan

Socialist Party review

spotThe Third Man

Review: New Labour politician Peter Mandelson’s tome has now been overshadowed by the deluge of publicity received by his soul mate Tony Blair, writes Tony Mulhearn, Former ‘Liverpool 47’ Labour councillor.
