Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist issue 655

26 January 2011

Workers and students unite!

2011 Back issues

The Socialist issue 655

Socialist Party youth and students

spotFight for jobs and education

Workers and students unite!:
* 20% youth unemployment:
Invest in jobs and services!
* £9,000 student fees:
For free education!
* EMA payments scrapped:
Defend and extend EMA!

Students on the march, photo Sarah Wrack

Students on the march, photo Sarah Wrack

spotWhere next for the student movement?

spotEducation Maintenance Allowance days of action 18 and 19 January

Around 600 students marched in central London against the scrapping of EMA, writes Claire Laker-Mansfield, Socialist Students national organiser.

spotNo to sky-high youth unemployment!

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotWarning: Government health ‘reforms’ can seriously damage your health

‘EQUITY AND Excellence: Liberating the NHS’… so benevolently named is the government’s car crash of a health bill which is going through parliament, that frankly there should be a health warning attached…

Socialist Party members on NHS demonstration in 2006, photo Paul Mattsson

Socialist Party members on NHS demonstration in 2006, photo Paul Mattsson

spotPhone hacking and media spin – the murky world of Andy Coulson

spotFood price hikes fuelling unrest

FOOD PRICE rises have caused mass protests in Algeria, Mozambique and Yemen, as well as being a major factor in the movement that recently toppled the Tunisian dictator, president Ben Ali, writes Naomi Byron.

spotFight the Con-Dem ‘bosses’ charter’

spotRMT leader slams anti-union laws

spotMarching against council cuts

Socialist Party workplace news

spotHampshire: Battling to defend jobs

ON 19 January, Hampshire County Council (HCC) announced that they were going to sack 1,200 workers. This announcement was released to the media before the Unison trade union was informed of the full scale…

Demonstration in Southampton by Unite and Unison against Tory attacks on terms and conditions and cuts in public services. Around 1000 workers took part, photo David Smith

Demonstration in Southampton by Unite and Unison against Tory attacks on terms and conditions and cuts in public services. Around 1000 workers took part, photo David Smith

spotSecond show of strength by Medirest workers

spotBA workers vote to fight on

spotDWP contact centre strike

National Shop Stewards Network

spotNSSN anti-cuts campaign launched

Nearly 600 people, mostly workers with elected positions in trade union branches, trades councils, workplaces and anti-cuts alliances, filled a hall in Camden on Saturday 22 January for the special anti-cuts conference of the National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN).

National Shop Stewards Network anti-cuts conference, photo Paul Mattsson

National Shop Stewards Network anti-cuts conference, photo Paul Mattsson

spotTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) conference

International socialist news and analysis

spotIrish government collapses: United Left Alliance offers real alternative

After the economic collapse of the so-called ‘Celtic Tiger’ economy, Ireland is spiralling into social and political disintegration…

Joe Higgins with Clare Daly

Joe Higgins with Clare Daly

spotTunisia: Protesters demand real democracy and social change

spot50 years ago: Congo’s independence leader assassinated

Socialist Party schools features

spotTidemill school – victory for parents

ONE OF the flagship academies planned was Tidemill Primary School in Deptford in south London. Head master Mark Elms, who achieved widespread media attention when he became Britain’s highest-paid ‘superhead’,…

Do not close our schools: Medway schools protest, photo Jacqui Berry

Do not close our schools: Medway schools protest, photo Jacqui Berry

spotSave Our Schools

spotBankers’ “Free school” excludes poorer pupils

Socialist Party review

spotBritain’s Banks: Too Big to Save?

TV Review: Journalist Robert Peston’s BBC documentary, Britain’s Banks: Too Big to Save?, gave a useful explanation of how Britain’s banks have operated over the last two decades, leading to the banking crash of 2008, writes Sean Figg.

BBC programme: Britian's banks: too big to fail

BBC programme: Britian’s banks: too big to fail


spotThree decades of ‘reform’ and ‘flexibility’

Since the election in 1979 of Margaret Thatcher’s Tory government the people of this country have been subjected to a diatribe of rubbish under headlines such as ‘reform’ and ‘flexibility’, writes Craig Johnston, RMT union executive member.

London anti-cuts demonstration jointly called by the NSSN, RMT, NUT, FBU, PCS and other unions, photo Paul Mattsson

London anti-cuts demonstration jointly called by the NSSN, RMT, NUT, FBU, PCS and other unions, photo Paul Mattsson

spotStop the mental health service cuts
