Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist issue 661

9 March 2011

We can stop cuts!

2011 Back issues

The Socialist issue 661

Anti-cuts campaign

spotWe can stop cuts!

THE THREE main establishment parties – Tories, New Labour, Lib Dems – have so far succeeded in limiting political debate on the cuts in public services, writes Dave Nellist, Socialist Party councillor and acting chair, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition.

Greenwich demo against council's cuts package, photo Lorraine Dardis

Greenwich demo against council’s cuts package, photo Lorraine Dardis

spotRage against all cuts!

Lib Dem spring conference: A HOME-made placard on the 400-strong protest against Sheffield Liberal Democrat council budget cuts on 4 March read “Barnsley Central today, Sheffield in May” This referred to the Lib Dems’ sixth place in the parliamentary by-election, writes Alistair Tice.

Rage against the cuts at the Lib Dem spring conference protest, Sheffield

Rage against the cuts at the Lib Dem spring conference protest, Sheffield

spotLabour councils should fight cuts, not implement them!

spotDemonstrations against council cuts

Over 1,000 marched through Manchester on Saturday 5 March as banners from local campaigns mingled with trade union and campaign banners from nearby towns including Salford and Bury, writes Paul Gerrard. Also reports from Liverpool, Salford, Gateshead and Newcastle

Socialist Party youth and students

spotFor a fighting student leadership

Before Christmas we saw an explosion of students and young people onto the streets. This movement marked the start of a whole generation taking part in struggle for the first time, fighting for their very…

Young people march for a future: Youth Fight for Jobs and Socialist Students on the 29 January London demonstration against education cuts, photo Senan

Young people march for a future: Youth Fight for Jobs and Socialist Students on the 29 January London demonstration against education cuts, photo Senan

spotJarrow march for jobs: Why Hull is marching

spotStudents sit in at Sheffield

International socialist news and analysis

spotMiddle East uprisings: The unfinished revolutions

As the dates for elections in Tunisia and Egypt are announced, the Libyan masses, despite their herculean efforts, have not yet been able to overthrow the Gaddafi dictatorship, writes Peter Taaffe, Socialist Party general secretary.

Egyptians in Newcastle demonstrate in support of the Egyptian revolution, photo Newcastle Socialist Party

Egyptians in Newcastle demonstrate in support of the Egyptian revolution, photo Newcastle Socialist Party

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotLib Dems ‘get a kicking’ in Barnsley

“The voters here in Barnsley have given me and the Lib Dems a kicking”, admitted candidate Dominic Carman after coming sixth and losing his deposit in the Barnsley Central by-election on 3 March, writes Alistair Tice.

spotWales votes ‘yes’ but workers’ party needed

There was a predictably low turnout in the referendum for more law-making powers for the Welsh Assembly, but the result shows a significant support for devolution just as the cuts from Westminster come crashing into Wales, writes Dave Reid.

Thousands of workers, students and anti-cuts campaigners marched through Cardiff on Saturday 5 March to tell visiting Con Dems we don't accept your cuts, photo by Paul Mattsson

Thousands of workers, students and anti-cuts campaigners marched through Cardiff on Saturday 5 March to tell visiting Con Dems we don’t accept your cuts, photo by Paul Mattsson

spotLewisham: Vote for a real fight against the cuts

On 24 March the voters in Bellingham ward in Lewisham, south east London will have a real choice in the council by-election, writes Chris Newby.

spotCardiff march and rally against cuts

Thousands of workers, students and anti-cuts campaigners marched through Cardiff on Saturday 5 March to tell visiting Con Dems we don't accept your cuts, photo Paul Mattsson

Thousands of workers, students and anti-cuts campaigners marched through Cardiff on Saturday 5 March to tell visiting Con Dems we don’t accept your cuts, photo Paul Mattsson

spotBrighton: Labour and Green Party councillors fail to stop Tory budget

spotTories allow growth of Murdoch media empire

spotTUC must address demo access issue

FOLLOWING INITIAL reports in February that coaches bringing demonstrators to the Trades Union Congress ‘March for the Alternative’ on 26 March would not be allowed into central London, disability rights group Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) wrote to the TUC raising concerns about disability access, writes a Unison member.

spotFast news

Socialist Party workplace news

spotBP Hull Saltend construction workers win victory through strike action

A one day strike took place on Wednesday 2 March at BP Hull where a multi-million pound biofuels plant is being constructed

Lindsey Oil Refinery workers strike, photo Sean Figg

Lindsey Oil Refinery workers strike, photo Sean Figg

spotFighting the anti-trade union laws

spotUCU members vote for action on pensions, jobs and pay

spotUnison expulsion

Disgracefully Onay Kasab, a Unison member for 17 years, has been expelled from the union. Kaz explained to the Socialist that this follows a ban from office after a witch-hunt against him and three other Socialist Party members in Unison by the leadership.

spotWorkplace news in brief

Medirest NHS cleaners returned to the picket line on 7 March for a three-day strike in their ongoing battle over unpaid wages and sick pay…

spotTake out a May Day greeting!

Socialist Party feature

spotCasualties of cuts – and a rotten system

BANKERS AND speculators have been bailed instead of jailed. But for our class, the cruel casualties of this rotten system have been mounting for a decade, writes Wally Kennedy, Secretary, Hillingdon Against Cuts.

Social care workers on strike in Scotland, photo Duncan Brown

Social care workers on strike in Scotland, photo Duncan Brown

spotNeeded: a fair deal for carers!

EVERY MORNING for 25 years he’s brought his wife a cup of tea in bed – these days, she’s likely to ask “who are you?” She doesn’t recognise him any more, writes a Socialist Party member.

spotCare – condition critical
