Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Socialist issue 793

8 January 2014

Axe austerity in 2014

PDF | 2014 Back issues

The Socialist issue 793

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Socialist Party news and analysis

spotAxe austerity in 2014

Osborne plans more cuts: On 6 January Tory Chancellor George Osborne turned Blue Monday into Black Monday. The dreaded return to work for many was made much worse by Osborne’s confirmation of plans for axing another £25 billion

A 24-hour general strike would shift the balance of forces, photo Paul Mattsson

spotAnother year of mass struggles beckons

Appeal of socialist change will grow: Peter Taaffe, general secretary of the Socialist Party, reviews the developments and events of 2013 in Britain and worldwide, and discusses further struggles in 2014 and the development of the workers’ movement

PCS strike on budget day, 2013, photo Paul Mattsson

spotUnite all workers to end bosses’ race to the bottom

spotTruth revealed about Thatcher’s war against the miners

After 30 years of gathering dust in the National Archives, the declassification of secret government files has revealed how far Margaret Thatcher and the Tory government went to ensure defeat of the 1984-85 miners’ strike

cartoon by Alan Hardman

spotPrivatisation Act lies behind the A&E crisis

There’s a crisis in A&E provision in Britain’s hospitals. Government statements have blamed people being unable to get GP access,and an ageing population. But a new report has let the cat out of the bag

spotGreedy landlords create housing hell

Fergus Wilson – one of Britain’s largest private landlords – says he will not accept any more applicants who rely on housing benefit

spotThem & Us

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotStop cruel care cuts

Support staff in Doncaster received an early Christmas present in the form of a letter outlining ‘proposed changes to service’ by their new employer Care UK

Protesting against care cuts in Mansfield, photo S Civi

spotBirmingham Labour ‘consults’ over £87 million cuts

Birmingham’s Labour city council plans another £87 million of cuts in the 2014-15 financial year. As expected its ‘consultation’ was just an opportunity for the council leader to present a slick presentation

International socialist news and analysis

spotSouth Africa: Numsa’s bold and historic decision to cut ties with the ANC

Delegates at the special congress of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa) have taken the bold and historic decision to cut ties with the governing party, the African National Congress (ANC)

spotWhy capitalism mourned Mandela

After Nelson Mandela’s death, the articles in the Socialist on the fight against apartheid and on South African workers’ struggles stood alone in clearly explaining the real history

spotUS: Fight for $15 minimum wage heats up in Seattle

Across the US low-wage workers are rising up, protesting, and striking for a $15 an hour minimum wage

Socialist Party workplace news

spotCWU Royal Mail agreement: Defend our right to strike!

The Communication Workers Union announced before Christmas that it has reached a “landmark agreement” with Royal Mail

Postal workers demonstrate in London, photo Paul Mattsson

spotHampshire Unison success shows potential for fightback

spotUPS workers’ victory

spotEvery job matters on London Underground

spotTwo PCS strikes on both sides of New Year

East London police control centre strike, 31.12.13, photo Naomi Byron

Socialist Party comments and reviews

spotIs UK car building back in Top Gear?

The thoroughly reactionary but entertaining Jeremy Clarkson, on his Top Gear programme’s Christmas special, tried to demonstrate that UK vehicle manufacturing was healthier than ever

spotClass injustice at Dickensian court

spotTime for a new workers’ party

spotEnergy Bills: Labour’s ‘supermarket special offer’

Labour is targeting Kingswood constituency in Bristol for the 2015 general election, using its promise to ‘freeze energy bills’


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