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Socialist Party news and analysis
For workers’ MPs on a workers’ wage: What has changed in the two decades since parliament’s first ‘cash for questions’ scandal? ‘Nothing at all,’ is the answer
photo Peter Symonds
Rent control now – build council homes: Rising private sector rents and cuts to social housing stocks makes it feel like social cleansing is taking place
Councils at breaking point: the strategy to fight back
Put the bankers in the stocks!
It’s bankers’ bonuses week! The public can expect a slew of media stories detailing how these capitalist parasites have once again stuffed their pockets with fabulous sums of money
As the general election approaches, even though the result may be hard to predict, one thing is clear: the victory will be with big business as austerity continues
Socialist Party reports and campaigns
May Day greetings: Implacable resolve of lowest paid
The need for an organised, independent, political expression of the will of the 99% and our demands for health, homes and decent jobs has never been greater
Demonstration against NHS cuts at Whipps Cross hospital, East London 21 September 2013, photo Paul Mattsson
Nine-fold growth for Grimsby Socialists
At Christmas 2013, our branch had four members. In little over a year we’ve recruited an additional 33
Do people want councillors who implement cuts, or councillors who are willing to fight the cuts?
International socialist news and analysis
On 20 February, Greek negotiators agreed a four month extension of the current bailout programme with its creditors (the Troika – EU, IMF and European Central Bank), writes Nicos Anastasiades, Xekinima (CWI Greece).
Ireland: five anti-water charges protesters jailed
For breaking an injunction compelling them to stay 20 metres away from all water meter installations, five protesters have been jailed for between 28 and 56 days each
2015 elections
Bristol Greens back ‘shocking’ austerity policies
The 2012 Green Party Bristol mayoral manifesto said: “We do not agree with the logic of cutting public spending at a time of recession.” Fighting words, but completely at variance with their deeds on Bristol City Council
Green Party leader Natalie Bennett, photo Paul Mattsson
Warrington ‘vanity project’ youth service cuts
With friends like these, who needs enemies?
Kent councillor Harriet Yeo is now backing Ukip. She was – until recently – a member of the Labour Party
Election appeal: Funded by you – not by big business
The Socialist Party is standing election candidates as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition. We are asking you to donate to our campaign
Socialist Party workplace news
Left scares Usdaw leadership in elections
Socialist Party member Amy Murphy wins Southern region seat with 2,263 votes and finishes a close second in presidential election with 45% of the vote
First time candidate Scott Jones was within 113 seats of winning a seat on the Usdaw exec
Unison activists challenge New Labour
Socialists in Unison call for solidarity with PCS
How to strike against privatisation
It is a mistaken but honest belief held by some trade union activists that workers cannot take legal action against privatisation
Reviews and readers’ comments
When women’s solidarity won battle for trawlermen
Review: Turning the Tide: Turning the Tide by local historian Rupert Creed is a true story, detailing the 1968 tragedy that saw the loss of 58 Hull trawlermen’s lives
Trawlermen’s memorial, St Andrews Dock, Hull, photo G Robinson
With the approaching general election, many young people, like me, are looking for answers to the multitude of problems over jobs, pay, housing, and education, etc, writes Tanis Belsham-Wray, Leeds Socialist Party
Fight tuition fees – support the TUSC alternative
Labour’s recent announcement that, given a win at the up-coming elections, they plan on reducing tuition fees to £6,000 a year would be laughable to students if it was not a complete insult
TV football deal: Reclaim the game for the fans
The football Premier League’s new TV deal with Sky and BT broadcasters offers mega-riches to the 20 Premier League teams, but little reward to the lower leagues
Socialist history
50 years on: the assassination of Malcolm X
21 February this year marked the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X. As anti-racist protests continue across the US following last year’s high profile police killings of two black men – Mike Brown and Eric Garner – the lessons of his life and struggle should be examined
Malcolm X, 12 March 1964 , photo Library of Congress. New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection, Ed Ford, World Telegram staff photographer