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New Year statement
The capitalist press regales us daily with a blizzard of facts which unconsciously indict their profit-driven system and their callous political representatives, the Tory government of Theresa May.
Socialist Party comments and reviews
Tory prescription for mental illness: stress and bureaucracy
As an individual with mental health issues, it has been my misfortune to experience directly just how capitalist society, Britain 2017, treats such people. I can’t imagine that my experience is particularly unique.
Socialist Party news and analysis
Widening wealth gap, increase in poverty…make the fat cats pay
Don’t put the party poppers away just yet. There’s one last thing to celebrate. Fat Cat Thursday! Well, it’s not exactly a celebration if you’re working class. In fact its only the super-rich who actually enjoy the event.
Mobilise against rip-off executive pay
Rail: fares up, bosses’ pay up – delays and cancellations up
Nationalise rail now!: Rail companies are ringing in the new year by inflicting yet more misery on long-suffering commuters.
Thousands live in tents and sheds – seize empty homes
Over 60,000 homes in England and Wales have been vacant for more than two years. At the same time, 9,100 people live in tents. And in London alone around 9,000 ‘beds in sheds’ fill secret slums.
Heart unit rescued by campaigning saves baby with pioneering surgery
The heroic victory of thousands of community campaigners in Leicester to defend their congenital heart surgery unit, with Socialist Party members playing a leading role, was vindicated straight away.
NHS in winter crisis as Branson creams off £1bn
The NHS winter crisis has become an established part of the calendar, both predictable and predicted.
Socialist Party reports and campaigns
Blairite council ‘all ears’ to rich property developers
Haringey council wants to turn a historic town hall into mainly ‘luxury’ flats.
Stop the rotten redevelopment plan, demand residents
Housing victory for Sussex students
Success has been achieved with regard to the Sussex university student accommodation dispute at high rent Kings Road Hall near Brighton seafront
Leeds: temporary reprieve for playing fields
Community opposition, mobilised through the Save Fearnville Fields campaign, has forced a reprieve. The council has suspended until the New Year the seeking of permission to build a new ‘free school’ academy on the King George V playing fields.
Bradford protest against children’s service cuts
Demonstrators gathered ahead of Bradford council’s monthly meeting to protest proposals in the consultation of an ‘early help service’, part of the children’s services directorate of the council.
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition conference
Saturday 10 February: Main session: ‘Building support for Jeremy Corbyn’s anti-cuts policies in the 2018 local elections – should socialist anti-austerity candidates stand in May?’
Socialist Party workplace news
Equal sick pay rights for staff at Charlton Park Academy
After months of action including six days of strikes at Charlton Park Academy in south east London, members of general union GMB and the National Education Union (NEU) have gained a well-deserved victory.
Newham: school strike solid against academy
At the North Yorkshire Fire Authority meeting on 13 December, the decision was taken unanimously to reverse the decision made three years ago to reduce crewing of ‘tactical response vehicles’ (TRVs) to just three firefighters.
Following successful pay protests in November at Leeds City College further education unions UCU and Unison decided to keep the momentum going in December and planned repeat action
International socialist news and analysis
Catalan elections: PP humiliated
Movement mobilises once more for the Catalan republic: The Catalan election on 21 December was a massive defeat for the Spanish nationalist ‘bloc of article 155’ – the imposition of direct rule in Catalonia – and an even bigger blow to this bloc’s main force, the right-wing People’s Party (PP) of prime minister Mariano Rajoy.