Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Socialist issue 1103

30 September 2020

Our lives and jobs not safe in Tory hands

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The Socialist issue 1103

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spotTory scheme won’t halt mass unemployment: mobilise the unions!

The Tories’ new ‘Job Support Scheme’ will do nothing to save jobs. It should be renamed the ‘job scrapping scheme’.

spotJob Support Scheme – too little, too late

spotUnder the microscope

Low-paid workers can claim a pitiful £500 for compulsory two-week self-isolation from 28 September. Four million will be eligible – but who can afford to self-isolate for £200 less than the minimum wage?

spotNews in brief

International news

spotTrump’s failure over western US wildfires

On 24 July, lightning sparked the first fires of what would become one of the worst wildfire seasons in US history

spotUS: Police escape justice over Breonna Taylor killing

spotSouth Africa: Working class unity to stop violence against women

What we think

spotCovid restrictions expose Tory splits


spotStudents trapped on Covid campuses speak out

spotApprehension about Covid – anger at fees, costs and exploitation

The first street meeting of Socialist Students at the University of Birmingham was great. Students came together to discuss, plan and organise to fight the mountain of issues facing them and young workers

Black History Month

spotStill crawling at 60: Capitalism has failed Nigeria

Workplace news

spotUnison: Hugo Pierre is on the ballot – vote for a fighting socialist!

spotTrade unions must fight to put their stamp on events

‘We need a call to arms. That’s why I call on everyone to write to the press and lobby their MPs. This was the ‘clarion call’ of Trades Union Congress general secretary Frances O’Grady at

spotUsdaw elections: Defend members’ right to participate

During the Covid-19 pandemic, members of Usdaw, the shop and distribution workers’ union, have been hit hard

spotPCS: No to DWP management’s plans – Yes to action

PCS union members in the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) are reacting furiously to management’s rush to book appointments in all the Jobcentres, a move especially targeted at 18-to-24 year olds

spotNHS workers need 15% rise and full funding

As NHS staff face the second wave of Covid-19, we are also preparing another round of protests on 17 October calling for a pay rise.

spotFight BT redundancies

spotPeterborough CWU have massively voted for strike action

Campaigns and party news

spotWhy I joined the Socialist Party: Labour moved right and left me behind

spot£71,522 raised: We’ve smashed our target again

A big thanks to all our readers for the marvellous £71,522 raised in our six-month campaign. That’s another target smashed thanks to some magnificent large donations, and many thousands of small ones.

spotSelling the Socialist

spotNewham: Closed and evicted

spotCampaign for new King George Hospital wing gets boost

spotSolidarity not charity

Readers’ opinion

spotThe Socialist Inbox
