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Where’s the road map to jobs and wages Boris?
Trade unions must fight for lives and livelihoods: Boris Johnson has announced his ‘cautious’ road map to reopen society from lockdown in England.
Johnson’s ‘road map’ for schools: Act together to protect safety
Vaccine algorithm can’t solve capitalist inequality
Garment workers and Covid: Dying for less than minimum wage
What we think
Starmer’s speech a return to New Labour
Working class needs democratic control of police: For the second time in just over a month, a young man has died at the hands of south Wales police.
Uber drivers win case – they are workers
Social care: End privatisation and let workers decide how it’s run
Lessons from history
How militant trade unionism defeated the 1971 Industrial Relations Act
Workplace news
Usdaw elections – right makes gains but Broad Left builds
HMRC: Divisive pay deal leads to expulsions
PCS members in the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are voting on a pay deal. The deal is for a 13% pay increase over three years, but if agreed would put all staff onto a new contract
Hinkley Point electricians fight ‘deskilling’
“I’m here to fight for the future education of children in Hackney”
Teaching assistants (TAs) in Hackney, east London took strike action against redundancies on 10-12 February
London bus dispute against low pay, pay cuts and longer hours
Socialist Party members supported bus drivers’ picket lines across London on 22 February. The drivers are fighting back against low pay, pay cuts, and longer hours being imposed by their employer
GMB members continue fight against ‘fire and rehire’ in British Gas
Scunthorpe steelworks scaffolders: Fifth week of action
Liverpool Unite branch supports ‘no cuts’ budget strategy
Scottish TUSC election campaign launch
Keep the fighting fund rushing in for a TUSC stand in May
Campaigns news
W. Sussex children’s centres on the chopping block
Conservative West Sussex County Council is planning to axe 32 children’s centres and twelve youth centres
Coventry success building subscriptions
Socialist Students conference – postering
On Wednesday 17 February, Socialist Students organised a postering campaign through Selly Oak in Birmingham to advertise our upcoming online conference
Save John Carroll Leisure Centre
Getting the Socialist out in lockdown
LGBT+ history month
Pride flag is about unity in struggle
International news
Nigeria: Abbey Trotsky on trial for assisting workers’ struggle
Facebook v Australian government: nationalise the bosses’ media!
In a fit of pique, tech baron Mark Zuckerberg purged all news from Australian Facebook feeds. But while Australia’s right-wing Liberal government poses as defender of the little guy, this is really a battle between competing media billionaires.
Readers’ opinion
Tories admit guilt for asylum seeker neglect
Today I received a letter from the Home Secretary Priti Patel. The letter is a weak and pathetic attempt by the home secretary to deflect criticism away from her government’s negligent policy