Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist issue 1135

26 May 2021

Our lives, our jobs, our future - Not safe in Tory hands!

PDF | Audio | 2021 Back issues

The Socialist issue 1135

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What we think

spotPalestinians need a new socialist intifada


spotOur lives, our jobs, our future – Not safe in Tory hands

One law for them and one law for us. Nothing summed that up better than Dominic Cummings’ trip to Barnard Castle during the first Covid lockdown.

spotFight for the right to protest

spotGreat British Railways shake-up offers no end to profiteering

spotOrganise to oppose Tory academisation plans

spotLancaster Greens do deal with Tories

spotNews in brief

News in brief: Sasha Johnson, a London-based black activist, was shot in the head in the early hours of 23 May. Sasha was a prominent figure during the Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020, and is now a


spotOrganise for 3 July NHS pay protests

Scottish Independence

spotWhere now for the Scottish independence movement?


spotMetroline London bus workers win huge victory

spotGoodlord sacks strikers – fight the penny-pinching, bullying bosses!

spotThurrock refuse workers beat council and bin pay cut

spotRMT: Support Alan Pottage for assistant general secretary

spotNUJ leadership pushes through subs increase but left lands blows at conference

spotCWU elections: Vote for a fighting, campaigning, socialist EC member

spot‘Fire and rehire’ attempts spread – coordinated fightback needed

spotCadent Gas plans 200 job losses


spotMexico City subway train collapse – negligence, corruption and capitalism

spotUS right to abortion under threat: Mass campaign to support the right to choose must be built


spotStop Israeli state terror against Palestinians

spotLeicester protest against arms supplies to Israel

spotPalestine protesters donate to fund socialist material

spotCladding anger builds – protest on 5 June

Readers’ Opinion

spotGet up, stand up – don’t give up the fight!

spotFilm review: Nomadland

spotTV review: Three Families is excellent. But protest movement is missing

spotThe Socialist Inbox

The Socialist Inbox: Send your news, views and criticism, in not more than 150 words, to [email protected] – or if you’re not online, PO Box 1398, Enfield EN1 9GT
