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Fight for a socialist recovery
Container delay carnage makes the case for socialist planning
Socialist nationalisation not bailouts for the bosses
Workplace news
Discussing a ‘workers’ politics’ in response to the bosses’ offensive: “She’s an antidote to some of the fears that are here in the conference”. This was the response of one delegate to Sharon Graham’s debut speech as general secretary to Unite’s sixth policy conference
University workers ballot for strike action
University and College Union (UCU) members in universities are being balloted over whether to take industrial action in two disputes
Unite and fight for 30,000 permanent DWP jobs
Gwent valleys Stagecoach bus drivers strike for fair pay
Reinstate Gary Evans! Llanelli postal workers strike
Postal deliveries in Llanelli ground to a halt on 13 October when workers at Llanelli Delivery Office walked out to force Royal Mail to reinstate Gary Evans, who has been wrongfully dismissed.
Napo AGM 2021: Union placed on war footing
“Should this engagement with the employer not result in an improved offer, formal notice of a trade dispute should be lodged and members balloted on industrial action, including strike action and action short of strike action.”
Scunthorpe scaffs strike for pay
People’s budgets
People’s Budgets – a socialist answer to cruel cuts
Brighton bin workers’ victory in sight
Brighton bin strikers have voted to accept a deal that “ticks all the boxes, and more” according to GMB branch secretary Mark Turner
Fight to defend homelessness services
Ealing People’s Budget – cuts can be resisted
Northampton People’s Budget – cuts and privatisation is a failed strategy
Fighting the cuts at the ballot box in Liverpool
Fall of apartheid
The fall of Apartheid in South Africa
Climate change
COP26: Trade unions must fight for a socialist transition to renewables
Save the planet from capitalist climate catastrophe
Austria: Chancellor Kurz resigns amid allegations of corruption
Obituary – Tony Davison: “I work for Militant, but Laing’s pay my wages”
“Are you the socialist cabby?”
Housing crisis: Tories and Labour are not on our side
Liverpool arms fair: Hundreds of protesters defy police ‘dispersal zone’
Hackney children’s centres – more education cuts are devastating
Biggest protest yet to save Stratford Circus
Doncaster: Vigil condemns violence against women
Readers’ opinion