Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Socialist issue 1157

24 November 2021

Workers’ action can defeat weak and divided Tories

PDF | Audio | 2021 Back issues

The Socialist issue 1157

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spotWorkers’ action can defeat weak and divided Tories

spotWorking class strangled by price rises and pay cuts

spotPoorer pensioners fleeced by social care cap

spotTories hammer nail in pensions triple lock coffin

spotHS2 eastern route cancelled: Fight for a workers’ plan for public transport

spotCricket’s history of racism and elitism


spotMidwives march against unsafe staffing and for adequate funding

spotTories responsible for NHS staff shortages

Violence against women

spotEnd sexism and violence against women

Socialism 2021

spotSocialism 2021: A steely determination to change society

Socialism 2021 brimmed with determination. Determination to overcome the obstacles of time, resources, technical hitches, and the pandemic; to meet and discuss socialist ideas and Marxism. Determination

spotWhat did you think of Socialism 2021?

Workplace news

spotSupport uni workers’ walk-out on pay and pensions

spotRMT to strike in London night-tube dispute

spotPanasonic workers strike against pay freeze

spotTesco warehouse workers ballot for strike action

The shop and distribution workers’ union Usdaw is carrying out strike ballots at nine Tesco depots over pay

spotSage care home workers’ pay victory

International news

spotHistoric victory of India’s farmers

spotSudan: “Hamdok has sold the revolution!”

spotUSA: Right-wing vigilante Rittenhouse acquitted – capitalist courts will not defend the working class!

USA: Right-wing vigilante Rittenhouse acquitted – capitalist courts will not defend the working class!

Working class history

spotChartism: The world’s first working-class movement


spotThe struggle for accessible workplaces and an inclusive society


spotObituary: Ted Austin (1940-2021) – working-class socialist stalwart


spotVictory! Hackney children’s centres saved!

spotWest Sussex: Payouts for council bosses, cuts for us

spotNewham: Durning Hall – another shameful act of Labour gentrification

spotSlough: Adult service cuts will leave vulnerable homeless

spotNorthampton: Phoney consultation to mask cuts

spotSelling the Socialist
