Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Socialist issue 930

4 January 2017

Nationalise rail now!

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The Socialist issue 930

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What we think

spot2017: Upheaval and fightback will continue

In 2016 the pent-up anger of the masses worldwide finally spilled over in a series of political earthquakes – a delayed reaction to the devastating economic crisis of 2007-08

photo Paul Mattsson

photo Paul Mattsson

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotNationalise rail now!

Support the strikes! Christmas has come late as far as Britain’s rail providers are concerned. Rail fares are set for yet another increase, this time by an average of 2.3%

spotResist Trump: protest on 20 January

On 20 January 2017, a racist, sexist billionaire is set to assume the status of the most powerful individual on the planet. But as well as fear, there is anger – and determination to fight.

spotBosses’ pay goes up by 82% for nothing

Chief executives’ pay in Britain’s top 250 companies increased by an average of 82% between 2003 and 2014. We need to kick out the fat cats who are creaming money off the backs of workers.

spotMake Harrods give back stolen tips!

Harrods is the latest in a long line of employers that has been outed for stealing staff’s tips. Now the United Voices of the World trade union is taking them on.

spotNorthern Ireland: ‘Cash for ash’ scam shows need for non-sectarian, socialist politics

“42% of people in Northern Ireland live in fuel poverty and it is much higher among elderly households. 13,000 are using foodbanks and politicians do nothing, yet public money will pay for the heating of the Northern Ireland Ferrari showroom for the next 20 years.”

spotTories want donors to ‘defeat rise of socialism’

The Tories are advertising for regular donations to “defeat the rise of socialism.” Donate to the Socialist Party today to help realise their nightmare.

spotNHS drug price hike: nationalise big pharma!

Another drugs company could face punishment after an apparent 12,000% price hike. Nationalise big pharma under democratic workers’ control and management!

spotNo to ‘Ceta’ privatisation treaty stitch-up

The government is pressing ahead with hush-hush free-trade deal ‘Ceta’, which will further entrench privatisation and anti-worker practices. The Socialist says no to this privatisers’ charter.

spotThem & Us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and another one for the rest of us. Tory MP spends £25 million on new property; student loan shark takes advantage of Christmas poverty.

Unite general secretary election

spotUnite election – fight the Blairites, vote Len McCluskey

The Unite general secretary election has been brought forward. The Socialist Party is supporting Len McCluskey. Under his leadership, the union has taken a more militant stance.

Workplace news and analysis

spotPost Office workers striking against cuts

Up to 3,500 Communication Workers Union members across 300 Post Offices took five days of strike action over Christmas.

spotWhy prison officers rejected pay and pensions deal

spotSupport mounts for Picturehouse strikers

spotCWU strike against closures and pension cuts

Socialist readers’ comments and reviews

spotFilm review: Rogue One

It’s clear from the off that Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, a spin-off from the main saga, is a little bit different. The whole scenario is an allegory for American imperialism and intervention in the Middle East, and the insurgency it has created.

spotThe Socialist Inbox

Do you have something to say? Letters to the Socialist’s editors. Stand up to the Tories; poverty barons; narrow education thinking; unionise call centres; revolutionary lessons of 1917; care crisis.


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