Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Socialist issue 1095

15 July 2020

Fight for safety - stop the jobs massacre

PDF | Audio | 2020 Back issues

The Socialist issue 1095

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Socialist Party news and analysis

spotWorkers and young people need planning for jobs, not handouts for bosses

spotLockdown Leicester: trade unionists and parents fight for safety

spotSexist dismissal of women’s health: NHS needs democratic control

spotPalace letters show the monarchy is a weapon for capitalism

1975 Australia coup: correspondence with queen released: The crown is a weapon of the ruling class which is usually kept relatively sheathed

spotDefend free TV licences for pensioners!

spotWater shortage warning: nationalise now!

spotHillingdon Hospital corona outbreak: workforce not to blame

Government and management attacks and incompetence are the main cause of the spread

No going back

spotA socialist programme for schools

How schools have been affected by coronavirus, and what kind of future school system we need

Workplace news and analysis

spotA fighting programme for Unite

Supporters of United Left, a group in general union Unite, are meeting virtually on 18 July for a hustings and online vote to select the group’s candidate for the next Unite general secretary election

spotPCS executive majority cancels union democracy

On 8 July, the controlling majority of the PCS union executive committee rejected moves to resume this year’s elections

spot‘Hands off our pensions!’ demand angry Nissan workers

Around 500 Nissan workers joined a Sunderland march and rally against plans to close their final pension scheme

spotTower Hamlets council workers strike back

spotRatcliffe rats on Bridgend workers

Socialist history

spotHow capitalist restoration led to war and ‘ethnic cleansing’ in the Balkans

Srebrenica massacre – 25 years on: 8,000 Bosnian Muslim refugees were slaughtered in and around the Bosnian town of Srebrenica

Black Lives Matter

spotHow the FBI and Chicago police murdered a Black Panther

Books that inspired me: Fred Hampton, chairman of the Illinois Black Panther Party, deserves wider recognition as a socialist leader for black liberation

spotWill boosting the ‘black pound’ improve black workers’ lives?

spotBLM protests – another injustice exposed

5,000 in Brighton, 1,000 in Bristol, and a march in Stevenage

Readers’ opinion

spotBooks that inspired me: The Mother

“Seas of blood won’t extinguish the truth”: How a working-class Russian woman became a revolutionary socialist

spotTV: Ross Kemp – Living with Forced Out Families

Yet another housing scandal: Homeless people are faced with leaving their local area in order to put a roof over their head

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotJobs, homes, services and a future for all!

Young Socialists against racism: The Black Lives Matter protests have lifted the lid on the enormous level of built up class anger amongst young people in Britain today.

spotSocialism 2020 – ideas to change the world

spotNottingham trans rights protest: Our demands are the same as everyone’s

spotWhy I joined the Socialist Party

Labour is moving away from the ideas that brought me to the party. I joined the Socialists because a choice between Labour and the Conservatives would not bring the revolution that would benefit the majority

spotDonations help us campaign and fight for socialism

“It’s not much, but I hope this helps” wrote F Whittam, sending us £10. It does! It’s these small amounts that have helped the Socialist Party break records for our Fighting Fund.

spotSelling the Socialist in Swansea


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