Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Socialist issue 963

20 September 2017

Fight tuition fees

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The Socialist issue 963

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Socialist Students

spotFight tuition fees

Tories in retreat – kick them out: Tory chancellor Philip Hammond is recommending a £5,000 reduction in tuition fees

spotWhy do young people need socialism?

The future for young people in Britain today can look very bleak – but there is a way to fight back!

Socialist readers’ comments and reviews

spotRefreshing, anticapitalist – but little pointing a way forward

Non-fiction – Bitch Doctrine: Laurie Penny’s latest work is clearly anticapitalist, but reflects the defeatism of much of the left in Britain and the US today

spotInterview: the “socialist John Le Carré”

“What better whodunnit than how the ruling class came to power?”

spotThe Socialist Inbox

Do you have something to say? Letters to the Socialist’s editors

What we think

spotLabour conference: Corbyn’s support must be used to defeat Blairites

Labour Party conference 2017: Corbyn supporters need to organise more extensively and efficiently than the right wing, adopting a pro-working class, socialist approach and ideology

International socialist news and analysis

spotBrutal repression of Rohingya people sparks massive humanitarian crisis

Celebrated dissident Aung San Suu Kyi collaborates with military junta: She has long danced to the tune of western capitalism’s interests, but may now be more influenced by the rise of China

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotGrenfell inquiry begins: not sufficient, not trusted

Jail the killers! For an independent workers’ movement inquiry!

spotStrike to save our NHS!

Tories retreat on pay cap – nurses demand more: Colleagues of mine who once would never have considered industrial action now ask me when we are going on strike. That time should be now!

spotFight expansion of disastrous ‘Universal Credit’ welfare system

Nearly half of claimants in rent arrears: We campaign for an end to in-work poverty, a living wage for all workers, and living benefits without compulsion

spotDefuse the consumer debt time bomb: nationalise the banks!

Still recovering from the last crisis? Hold on to your wallet, Britain’s bankers are storing up another one – £200 billion of consumer debt

Workplace news and analysis

spotDeal concludes Barts health strike – “We have raised our heads high”

Cleaners, porters and catering staff in Barts NHS Trust have voted to accept the offer made by employer Serco

spotBin workers vote to continue action following rally

spotCWU strike ballot – why I’m voting Yes

We are demanding pay, terms and conditions which reflect the service we provide

spotFight university’s ‘sackers’ charter’

Socialist Students is appalled at Leeds University management’s plans to worsen protections for staff

spotMcStrike solidarity event

A speaker system boomed down Woolwich High Street calling for the scrapping of zero-hours, for a £10 an hour minimum wage and for workers to get organised and join trade unions

spotLondon Buses safety campaign

Angry London bus drivers in Unite the Union demonstrated outside City Hall demanding a ‘bill of rights’ to improve unsafe working conditions

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotProtest to pressure Labour to scrap Haringey redevelopment plans

Stop the Labour council’s massive redevelopment and privatisation plan!

spotFight for an alternative to the misery of capitalism

Join the Socialist Party: The Socialist Party brings together people who want to fight back against this unequal system: a socialist society is possible

spotTragic death highlights Chatsworth ward closure risk

This shows how essential it is to have both strong community support and rehabilitation services for disabled people

spotEast London summit fails to address housing crisis

The purpose was not genuine dialogue, but to give an aura of legitimacy to the tiny group of property developers who operate under the more appealing name “housing associations”

spotInterest at Nottingham Green festival

With a leaflet about the devastating impact of Hurricane Harvey, the Socialist Party held our regular campaign stall at the large, annual Nottingham Green Festival


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