Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Monday, May 6, 2024

The Socialist issue 928

7 December 2016

NHS: Stop the Tory vandals

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The Socialist issue 928

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What we think

spotNo more concessions to Labour right!

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotFight for a socialist Brexit

“A tsunami of opposition to the establishment has travelled the world.” This description was used by a BBC presenter after the referendum result in Italy on 4 December that forced out their prime minister, Renzi.

spotConservatives humiliated in Richmond

Zac Goldsmith’s humiliating defeat in the Richmond Park byelection was equally a defeat for Theresa May and the Tories. Her already weak government has seen its majority cut to 13.

spotNewham council to sack up to 1,300

The all-Labour council in Newham, east London, is threatening to sack up to 1,300 of its workforce.

spotSlump in unfair dismissal cases – scrap tribunal fees!

Workers took 73% less unfair dismissal cases to employment tribunal last year than before the government introduced fees.

spotWorkers can fight Uber-style care

A new, Uber-style care service has been launched in Britain.

spotCompensation disabled

spotThem & Us

It’s one world for the super-rich, and another one for the rest of us featuring banking warnings and Tesco toffs

Food banks feature

spotFood banks and the real Daniel Blakes

Hundreds of thousands of people are surviving and feeding themselves by using foodbanks in Britain today

NHS crisis and fightback

spotNHS: Stop the Tory vandals

The Tory plan to privatise the NHS via the back door has given way to smashing in via the main entrance.

spotHundreds protest the decimation of Devon NHS

Hundreds protested in the centre of Exeter on 3 December against the decimation and degrading of Devon’s NHS. Coming from all points of the compass and forming ‘red lines’ of marchers from different parts of the city, they cheered and clapped speakers from the community and the labour and trade union movement.

spotMassive support in Stoke for action to save the NHS

We sold 100 copies of the Socialist on our campaign stall in Hanley in just three hours on 26 November. We were building support for the 4 March 2017 national march to defend our NHS from privatisation.

spotHealth campaigners in Yorkshire protest “slash and trash plans”

“Slash and trash plans” is how campaigners from Health Campaigns Together renamed the government’s Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs), the latest vehicle for cuts to the NHS.

International socialist news and analysis

spotVictory at Standing Rock: US authorities agree to re-route oil pipeline

US authorities (subject to possible appeal) have agreed to abandon the planned oil pipeline through Standing Rock, North Dakota, after a months-long standoff between protesters and armed police.

spotSpain: Government forced back by Student Union mobilisations

Just days after the last general strike that was called by the Sindicato de Estudiantes against the “Revalidas Fanquistas” (introduction of matriculation), we have been proved correct in what we always said – struggle works.

spotItaly: Establishment routed – workers alternative needed

In January 2014, on the day that Matteo Renzi took office, we wrote that this was the beginning of the end for the leader of the Democratic Party (PD), who at that time seemed to be on an unstoppable path to glory.

spotPortugal: No to witch-hunts – fight the capitalists not socialists

Socialismo Revolucionário (SR – CWI in Portugal) is being targeted by the leadership of the Left Bloc, with threats of expulsions and exclusions. An Inquiry Committee has been opened against our members.

spotAustria: Far right temporarily halted

Austria’s far-right Freedom Party presidential candidate Norbert Hofer failed to win the re-run election against former Green leader Alexander Van der Bellen.

spotSudan: General strike in defiance of regime

A three-day strike between 27-29 November shook the regime in Sudan. According to reports from activists and supporters of the CWI in Sudan, universities, schools, market places, public transport and many private businesses, cafes, shops and restaurants were closed.

Socialist Party workplace news

spotDurham TAs force Labour to suspend pay cuts

Durham teaching assistants (TAs) have won a significant battle in their campaign to prevent Labour-controlled Durham council from cutting their pay by up to 23%.

spotProtest against Glasgow Labour’s scab workforce plan to defeat Unison strike

An appeal for solidarity with strike action

spotCrossrail action in defence of victimised union rep

In response to a campaign by Unite to demand a second tier productivity bonus for electricians on Crossrail in London, which included an unofficial walkout on 25 November, notorious blacklisters Laing O’Rourke/Crown House has issued the Unite rep on the site a transfer to another job off the project.

spotUnison members barely earning the living wage in some universities

As terms and conditions throughout the UK are being chipped away, incomes are tightening and security in the workplace is in jeopardy, Unison members voted in September to decide whether or not to strike over the 1.1% pay offer that was made to most members.

spotSacked bakers’ union rep Kumaran Bose calls for living wage ‘protection’

On 6 December, Kumaran Bose will be meeting a number of MPs (including shadow ministers) to discuss his recent sacking by Samworth Brothers, a company known for its famous household brands, such as Ginsters and Soreen.

spotWorkplace news in brief

Short reports on some of the latest trade union struggles including Paul Reilly elected to the RMT EC and the introduction of the Trade Union Act.

Socialist Party reports and campaigns

spotBolton council gives £300k to solicitors while making swingeing cuts

Bolton Socialist Party is backing mounting calls for the leader of the Labour council, Cliff Morris, to resign over the use of emergency powers to hand over £300,000 to an ambulance chasing solicitor, Asons.

spotReading TUSC writes to Labour councillors to demand cuts fight

The following letter was sent to councillors by Neil Adams from Reading Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC) to raise questions related to proposed budget cuts to local services.

John Sharpe: 1953-2016

spotObituary: John Sharpe: 1953-2016

John Sharpe has died of heart disease very suddenly, at a ridiculously early age.


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