Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Socialist issue 863

8 July 2015

Greek workers show the way

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The Socialist issue 863

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International socialist news and analysis

spotGreece: Mighty class-based ‘NO’ shakes bosses’ EU

Sunday’s referendum saw the Greek working class give a powerful reply to the attempts of the Troika to blackmail them into accepting more austerity in order to stay in the eurozone.

Socialist Party news and analysis

spotCuts for us, handouts for rich

Wednesday 8 July will be remembered as a day of horror for millions of households across Britain. £12 billion welfare cuts will mean many families having thousands of pounds cut from their income every year.

spotTerrorism and classroom spying

The Tunisian massacre of tourists has led, unfortunately, to a knee-jerk reaction from the Tory government to try and stop ‘the radicalisation of young Muslims’.

spotJanner case: more establishment child abuse cover-ups

The news that allegations of child sexual abuse committed by Lord Greville Janner are to be heard in court is to be welcomed.

spotStop hammering low-paid – £10 an hour now!

“David Cameron claims that he wants a high wage, low tax economy. If that’s the case, he has a funny way of showing it,” writes bakers’ union BFAWU president Ian Hodson.

spotESA under the cosh

The Tories intend to slash Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) by almost £30 a week. ESA, which replaced incapacity benefit in 2008, is paid to disabled people or those too ill to work who have extra needs.

spotLow-income tenants face rent hikes

The Tory government intends to slash housing benefit (HB) for low income households.

spotThem & Us

Short dispatches on the utter hypocrisy of the bosses and their politicians.

Socialist Party features

spotNSSN conference 2015: “We could stop austerity in its tracks”

Militant trade unionists from across the country gave inspiring accounts of strikes and struggles against austerity. Britain needs a 24-hour general strike.

spotMigrants flee horrors created by capitalism

For the rich there are very few obstacles to migrating to Britain. It is altogether another story for the majority of those currently fleeing war, dictatorship and conflict in the Middle East and Africa.

Socialist Party workplace news

spotHospital porters mop up in NHS pay battle triumph

After more than three months of all-out action, 117 hospital porters in Dundee have beaten the bosses. Strikers won higher pay, more jobs, and cash for lost income.

spotTube union: why we’re striking

Transport workers on London Underground were preparing to shut down the capital on 8 and 9 July. Members of all tube unions – RMT, Aslef, TSSA and Unite – will strike together for the first time in years.

spotBritain’s biggest union could reconsider funding Labour after leadership elections

As we go to press, members of general union Unite are considering major political changes. Although the leadership headed off calls to leave Labour, it promised a new conference if the situation changes.

spotEducation under attack! Reports from the front line of the fightback

Teachers take action against education cuts in Salford, Leeds, Bradford, Swansea, Sussex and Stafford.

spotYorkshire firefighters demonstrate against crew cuts

Firefighters and supporters demonstrated in Easingwold, Yorkshire on 24 June against £1.3 million cuts, which will impact jobs and response times.

spotWorkplace news in brief

Short reports on some of the latest trade union struggles.

Socialist Party campaigns

spotSocialist Party LGBT group plans fightback against attacks and austerity

The new budget has ushered in sweeping attacks on the working class as a whole in Britain but also disproportionally affects the LGBT community.

spotBitter fight to save Bitterne walk-in centre continues

Bosses have now confirmed the Socialist Party’s warning – and propose complete closure of Southampton’s Bitterne walk-in centre.

spotScotland and North-West England hold TUSC conferences

Trade unionists and anti-cuts activists in Scotland and North-West England held conferences to plan work with the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC).

Socialist Party comments and reviews

spotWhy I joined: ‘the Socialist Party has given me political confidence’

The Socialist Party has given me the political confidence to back up my activism from the past, and to now look forward to contributing to a democratic socialist revolution.

spotTV review: Picasso – Portillo’s peculiar perspective

Ian Pattison reviews Portillo on Picasso, an episode from the ITV series Perspectives.


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