Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, May 3, 2024
Party MediaDocuments and ManifestosNew Technology and Globalisation

New Technology and Globalisation

Can a capitalist slump be avoided? A reply to ex-Merseyside Socialist Party members by the Socialist Party executive committee, June 1999


New Technology and Globalisation - can a capitalist slump be avoided? is an answer to criticisms of the Socialist Party's position on a number of key issues facing the workers' movement in Britain and internationally. As well as globalisation, new technology and perspectives for the world capitalist economy, we also touch on the trade unions, the character and methods of building a revolutionary party and a number of other important issues.

New Technology and Globalisation – can a capitalist slump be avoided?

The 1990s has been a difficult decade for socialists and Marxists. The colossal pro-capitalist, pro-market ideological campaign following the collapse of Stalinism in 1989-91 has had a significant effect...

Perspectives for the ex-Stalinist States

This is true not just of the economy but of perspectives for the ex-Stalinist states, the national question, perspectives for Europe, etc...

Length of the present cycle

The document states: 'In October 1997, Merseyside questioned, at the NC, the perspectives of the leadership in relation to the world economy...

The collapse of Stalinism

The other prop of Merseyside's case against the Socialist Party leadership is in relation to the collapse of Stalinism...

Our role in the unions

The attempt to defend their position includes the charge levelled against the Socialist Party that, 'It has to be said that for all of the emphasis on Broad Left work, no real effort has been put into uniting the Broad Lefts in the various unions....

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