Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, September 6, 2024
Party MediaDocuments and Manifestos

Documents and Manifestos

What the Socialist Party Stands For

What We Stand For

What the Socialist Party stands for

British Perspectives documents

British Perspectives

Perspectives documents drawn up, debated and amended for each Socialist Party national congress to prepare the party for coming struggles.


Coronavirus - a workers charter, credit: Socialist Party (uploaded 18/03/2020)

Coronavirus - a workers' charter 2020

Party leaflet (last updated on 20/04/2020) Coronavirus reveals the capitalist system in crisis Workers mustn’t pay the price


Socialist Party Election Manifesto 2015

Reject the austerity lies - Join the socialist fightback! (pdf opens in new window)

Socialist Party Election Manifesto 2015

Election Manifesto 2012

For the millions not the millionaires - vote Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition against cuts! Party document dated 20/04/2012

Election Manifesto 2010

The Socialist Party is standing under the banner of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition.

New Technology and Globalisation

New Technology and Globalisation - can a capitalist slump be avoided? A reply to ex-Merseyside Socialist Party members by the Socialist Party executive committee in 1999

CWI archive of documents:

Marxist debates of the 1990s: includes full text of documents exchanged in the following discussions: The Collapse of Stalinism; Marxism and the British Labour Party – the ‘Open Turn’ debate; Party, Programme, Reformism and the International – the ‘Scottish debate’; The Name Change debate; What Are the Causes of the Current World Capitalist Crisis?; Democratic Centralism.

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