Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Friday, September 6, 2024

Socialism 2024

Come to Socialism 2024

A weekend of where hundreds of workers, socialists, trade unionists and young people discuss how we can fightback, win and change the world!

Includes 40+ different session topics and the Saturday night ‘Rally for socialism’.

Ticket sales are currently 10% off.

Socialism 2023 Rally

Socialism 2023

‘How do we take the fight for socialism forward?’

Socialism 2023 was a weekend attended by hundreds of people who want to change the world.

Socialism 2022

Socialism 2021

Socialism 2021: A steely determination to change society

Last year, Socialism2020 was 'virtual'. This year, around 400 met in person, with a similar number joining online.

Socialism 2020

Socialism 2020

Socialism 2020: Growing search for ideas to change the world Socialism 2020 broke previous records - on ticket sales, in the response to the finance appeal to fund the fight of socialism, in the number of workshops and in the participation in the discussion on ideas to change the world.

Socialism 2019

Elections, strikes and revolutions: Socialism ’19 – daring to fight

"Just two words: at last!" This year's Socialism event - Socialism 2019, on 2 and 3 November - came as the parliamentary logjam finally burst apart into a general election. As Paula Mitchell told the opening rally, the Rally that Dares to Fight for Socialism, from the chair: "We could be squaring up for quite a hot winter. With not only an election, but the potential for a massive battle of postal workers; the strike action by university lecturers and staff; McDonald's strikes."

Socialism 2018

Socialism 2018: Huge confidence in the working class to change society

Socialism 2018 was a festival of debate that focused attendees, new and experienced, on the Socialist Party's perspective that we are preparing for big movements of working class people against the daily proof that a socialist alternative to capitalism is necessary. That determination was expressed in the £35,000 raised in the financial appeal - but also in the intensity of discussion in the workshops, the throng around the bookshop at every break and the interest among first time attenders in joining the Socialist Party.

Socialism 2017

Socialism 2017: Organising to fight back

Over 1,000 workers, young people, campaigners, activists, trade unionists, students and international guests gathered in London on 11 & 12 November

Socialism 2016

Socialism 2016: Putting socialism on the agenda

Struggle, internationalism and socialism, these ideas - and how powerful they can be in action - electrified the magnificent rallies and workshops of the Socialism 2016 weekend. Around 1,000 working class fighters, socialists and people who are socialist-curious, trade union militants and students participated. All the central questions of how we build a wall of resistance against Trump, austerity and capitalism were addressed.

Socialism 2015

Socialism 2015: Socialist ideas back on the agenda

Socialism 2015 was the Socialist Party's best Socialism weekend yet. That is because the discussion was the most focussed, the most serious, and the most crucial. This relates to the debates in the working class movement being at a higher level. Following the election of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader there is an increased willingness and confidence to fight austerity.

Socialism 2014

Socialism ’14: infused with contagious confidence

Over 1,000 workers, trade unionists, anti-cuts activists, young people and others from the 99% hit by austerity spent 48 hours being inspired and, in turn, inspiring others with their commitment and determination to fight back against the misery of capitalism

Socialism 2013

Socialism 2013: Fight Zero Hour Contracts!

Reflecting a thirst to resist and the search for ideas, Socialism 2013 was a powerful tonic for everyone who participated, those new to struggle, and veterans of the socialist and labour movement. Taking place over the weekend 2nd and 3rd November and organised by the Socialist Party, it was a weekend that comprised two large inspiring rallies and dozens of lively discussion sessions and forums.

Socialism 2012

Socialism 2012

A socialist alternative to rotten, bankrupt capitalism: An inspirational weekend of socialist rallies, discussion and debate took place over the weekend 3-4 November, organised by the Socialist Party. Despite the fact that Socialist Party members were out in force just two weeks before for the national TUC 20 October anti-austerity demonstration, Socialism 2012 was very well attended with around 1,000 people taking part over the weekend.

Socialism 2011

Socialism 2011

Socialism 2011: Crucial preparation for the fightback. This year young Socialist Party members, alongside other youth, trade unionists and campaigners, organised a 330-mile march for jobs. This played the important role of providing a clear programme of what we are fighting for, as well as opposing all cuts.

Socialism 2010

Socialism 2010: An inspirational weekend

Socialism 2010 was a superb event. Crammed into the weekend of 6 and 7 November were discussions, debates, rallies and a social. But a clear red thread tied the entire event together - the need to build a mass working class movement against all cuts and to fight for a socialist alternative to the "rotten stinking corpse of capitalism".

Socialism 2009

Socialism 2009 – an excellent weekend!

1,000 people attended Socialism 2009 over the weekend of 7 and 8 November. From long-standing Socialist Party activists to those attending their first ever meeting, everyone got something out of it.

Socialism 2008

Socialism 2008 – an inspiring weekend

Over the course of the weekend, around a thousand workers and youth piled into session after session to discuss what the economic downturn will mean for ordinary people, the roots of the crisis and how the ideas of Marxism can help us understand it. Almost 200 people packed out a discussion on the world economic crisis introduced by Lynn Walsh, editor of Socialism Today.

Socialism 2007

Socialism 2007: Inspired by past victories, preparing for future struggles

Preparing for future struggles THE SOCIALISM 2007 weekend on 17-18 November was everything it was billed as and more. During the event, around 900 workers and young people crammed out meeting room after meeting room to discuss revolutionary anniversaries, current campaigns and the ideas that act as the backbone to these struggles. The articles below comment on the main features of Socialism 2007.

Socialism 2006

Socialism 2006: “A brilliant and inspiring experience”

"A brilliant and inspiring experience" SOCIALISM 2006 more than lived up to the expectations of those that attended. Almost a thousand people took part in debates and discussions over the course of the weekend.

Socialism 2005

Socialism 2005: Building a socialist alternative

The 800 people that attended the Socialist Party’s Rally for Socialism were united by their horror at what modern capitalism means for billions of people and their desire to change the world. By the end of the night they were also united in having been enthused and inspired by the event. Their enthusiasm took concrete form when a magnificent £27,861 was raised in financial collection.

Socialism 2004: "A Really Brilliant Weekend"

LAST WEEKEND, in central London, hundreds of socialists, trade unionists and young people gathered to discuss and debate the key political issues of the day, hosted by the Socialist Party...

Socialism 2003: Enjoyable And Inspiring

Socialism 2003 took place over the weekend of the 28 and 29 June. Below are reports from the main rallies and interviews with participants. We welcome any further comments that you might have, writes Hannah Sell.

Socialism 2002 – An Inspiring Weekend

Steve Godward, a Birmingham firefighter introduced the opening rally with a resounding call to support the firefighters' strike action

Socialism 2001: What Future For The Socialist Alliance?

THE SOCIALISM 2001 debate on the future of the Socialist Alliance (SA) was a no-holds-barred contest between the Socialist Party and the Socialist Workers Party in which the different political perspectives, analysis and methods of work were clearly delineated...

Socialism 2000: An Inspiring Weekend

WELL OVER 300 people attended Socialism 2000, the Socialist Party's annual educational weekend of discussion and debate...

Latest posts

Reports from previous Socialism events