Socialist Party, formerly Militant


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Capitalism in Crisis



The defenders of capitalism were wrong and the socialists and Marxists were right. This is what the current economic crisis means - as well as hardship for millions of people. Over the last few decades...

The Socialist Party’s demands

Nationalise all the banks on the basis of democratic public ownership - run by representatives of banking workers and trade unions, the wider working class, as well as the government...

Capitalists in disarray

While socialist ideas are beginning to resurge, the political representatives of capitalism are in disarray...

Marx was right

The current crisis is not just caused by the greed of the City financiers or even the domination of finance capitalism...

Where’s the bailout for us?

For millions of working class people, however, the urgent question is: where is the bailout for us? For thirty years governments have told us that the only option is privatisation of public services, and...

A cold winter

Nor will workers' demands limit themselves to the finance sector. Rising prices mean that millions of people will struggle to find the money to heat their homes this winter...

Keynes revisited

The era of the deregulated 'free market' associated with Thatcherism is dead. Nonetheless, governments will still use neo-liberal measures such as privatisation against the working class as is shown...

A global crisis, and the particular crisis in Britain

Spreading like wildfire across the planet, this is a truly global crisis. No country will escape its effects. The ludicrous idea that China and the other BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia and India) could...

Young people

Britain has been booming for sixteen years, albeit in an unbalanced way. Young people have never experienced anything else. They are now going to receive a profound shock to their system. Half a million,...


Capitalism expects workers to rely on private pensions; a living state pension is considered out of the question...

Public services

In New Labour Britain, privatisation rules. New Labour's sudden support for nationalisation of the banks will not prevent it continuing to try and sell off other public services, although in some cases...

Unemployment and working week

As unemployment soars Britain will still have the longest working week in the European Union. New Labour has consistently fought for the right to opt out of EU laws limiting the working week to a maximum...

The socialist alternative

The nationalisations, part-nationalisations and state interventions being undertaken by the world's governments bear no resemblance to genuine socialist nationalisation...

Time for a new mass workers’ party

A particularly important factor is the absence of a mass political voice for the working class. Since 1997 the trade unions have given over £100 million of their members' money to New Labour. And what...

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