For a mass demo 9th December as parliament votes on tuition fees

Press release from the National Shop Stewards Network 2/12/10
National Shop Stewards Network logo

National Shop Stewards Network logo

Inspired by the tremendous struggle of young people, and recognising that the vote in parliament could be a watershed, the National Shop Stewards Network banner will be on the mass demo on 9th December.

We are asking trade unionists to join our contingent to show that the students’ fight is our fight, and vice-versa.

Let’s break this Coalition of millionaires.

Linda Taaffe (Secretary, National Shop Stewards Network)
National Shop Stewards Network sponsors

National Shop Stewards Network sponsors   (Click to enlarge: opens in new window)

Tracy Edwards, National Young Members Organiser for the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) said “Students have lit a spark in the anti cuts movement, bringing the brutality of the ConDem cuts and the attitude towards young people into sharper focus.

“PCS young members’ network is fully behind the students and will continue to link up and work with them to give young people the confidence to fight for a decent future.”

Martin Powell-Davies, National Union of Teachers Executive member said “The lying Con-Dems want to steal the future away from our youth – the older generation of trade unionists needs to give them our support.

“Together, we must defeat these cuts.”

Steve Hedley, London Regional Organiser of the Rail and Maritime Transport Workers Union (RMT) said “These kids are fighting not just for themselves but for the right of all working class children to a decent education.”

Ian Leahair, Fire Brigades Union Executive member for London said “The Fire Brigades Union in London fully support the right of students to protest to remove to irresponsible measures being imposed upon them by the Con-Dem coalition in respect of student tuition fees, students and children of all ages should have the right to debt-free education that does not come at the cost of unrealistic up-front tuition fees.

“The Con-Dems plans are nothing more than an alternative way of blaming everyone else for the current economic crisis rather than those whom are responsible (the Banks) who are now being supported by this government at the cost of public sector jobs and student education.”

The National Shop Stewards Network is holding a national anti-cuts conference open to all trade unionists, workers, students and community campaigns on 22nd January 2011.
For more information visit ring Linda Taaffe 07952 283558


P.O. Box 58262, London N1P 1ET

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